Who's The Doctor

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Next night after out nightly patrol, I was bored and sitting in Naomi’s room with Sophie. That night for patrol, we saw that weed from the first time we saw the Turtles. I forgot what it was called so I asked Mikey and he said that they just call him Snakeweed.

Donnie did give us our T-Phones, but it was after Sophie reminded him. He had to make sure that everyone’s separate numbers were in and everything before he handed them to us.

Our first goal was to get profile pictures for everyone. I just took pictures of everyone. Naomi’s is a mystery because she won’t let me have it. Maybe she didn’t even put them on? I don’t know. Sophie used the same style I did.

After that, we just went our separate ways and figured out how to use it. Sophie and I constantly went to Donnie to figure out how to do this or that. I never saw Naomi ask for his or anybody else’s help.

So, the night after that, I was sitting in Naomi’s room with Sophie and the owner of the room. I was playing a game on my T-Phone and Naomi was writing something in a journal. When I peeked over, she covered everything but the title and it said, “Future Predictions”. I was very curious about why she would write that in, but she closed it up before I could see any more.

I went back to my game as Naomi put a lock on her journal and put it up. Who knew she would actually write in one, I mean seriously, does she seem the type to do that?

Then Naomi flickered on her TV that we all have in our rooms. It just seemed too shady when it was not in the main room, and all we got to watch in our rooms were recordings of what we did record in the main room. So we didn’t actually have all-you-can-watch cable, just recordings.

She set in a DVD and waited until the main menu popped up. Then she snatched up the remote and plopped back up on her bed where she scrolled down, muttering, “Where is it? Where is it?”

I looked up at her, “Where is what?”

“This.” she smirked, pressing play. I put the game down as she played a show I’ve never seen before. “Welcome to the show Who’s the Doctor?’”

“Oh, that show?” Sophie asked. “Which episode we watching?”

Naomi shook her head and fast forwarded it to a scene that involved a pair of hammocks. “First, I’m going to show you this because Donnie should bring a few in the main room here in about a half hour or so.”

“You can predict the future,” I said. “But not what time it will happen?”

“I can.” Naomi nodded. “I’m just too lazy to say exactly when. Now, play.” she clicked the play button.

I turned to the show and saw a man and a little girl in a room with a pair of hammocks. The one guy said, “Oo, hammocks. I love them.” then jumped toward them. Suddenly, he fell off and I began to giggle. His head appeared between the two and said, “This hammock has developed a fault.”

That really made me begin laughing. Naomi paused it and made it go back to the main menu. “Now let me show you where I got the target quote.” she scrolled back up and then pressed play on another episode. She fast forwarded it again, playing it at a part where the same man was behind a stone pillar.

Something was being shot at them and my first response was Kraang but the bullets weren’t purple. Instead they looked more like actual bullets. Suddenly, the man jumped out from behind the pillar screaming out, “Look at me, I’m a target!” then ran off behind a different pillar before he could get shot.

I started laughing again, harder than the hammock part. Sophie began laughing as well. Naomi smiled then returned to the menu as I continued to laugh. She clicked on an episode that looked a little scary.

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