Patrol Buggies/Go-Carts

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We got the Go-Carts (Mikey still insisted calling them that), with Naomi’s and headed up. We found her trying to keep up with a truck that was in front of her by a few blocks. She saw us then slid down some ladders skillfully, jumping off one as we were about to pass. With a thud and a small swerve from Leo, Naomi landed in her seat upside down.

“This don’t help with steering!” Sophie yelled as Naomi tried to get herself straightened.

“I’m trying!” I heard Naomi’s muffled yell snap at her. She got herself righted, putting her helmet on as well, as Leo snapped us apart to try and avoid something being thrown at us from Dogpound. I was stuck with Raph, Donnie, and Sophie. Naomi with Mikey and Leo.

Raph growled, “Warn me next time you do that!”

“Why?” Leo asked, coming up beside us. “It’s too fun!”

Dogpound’s truck came close another truck, then passed it. I watched as Dogpound jumped off and made the one semi brake to a stop. He made the driver run away and a Foot soldier drive.

Donnie took one look at the back of the truck and yelled to all of us, “I know what Shredder’s plan is!” everyone but the ones driving, Raph and Leo, looked at him. “That chemical is highly explosive when in contact with water! He’s going to pour that in the sewer and make it explode!”

“Splinter!” Leo said as a reaction, thinking of who may be down there.

“Mii-wa…” I heard Sophie mutter.

The truck with April swerved away down another street.

Leo thought fast, “Mikey, Mikito, Sophie, come with me to stop Dogpound. Naomi, Raph, Donnie, go get April!”

“I’m sorta stuck with Raph and Naomi!” Mikey called out.

I saw Raph and Naomi smirk simultaneously and Raph pull a lever by his feet, making Naomi, Mikey, and him separate. Raph drove up by Leo, “You were right! That is fun!”

Leo laughed and separated us as well then went in our separate directions. Raph, Naomi, and Donnie went after April’s truck. Donnie called out to us before he turned, “Remember, they aren’t ready!”

I paid no heed and just followed Leo. The Go-Carts were really fast and fun. They seemed in good shape.

Leo slowed down by a few miles per hour and called out to us all, “Us your grappling hooks to slow the truck down!”

“We have grappling hooks?” Sophie asked.

There was a button beside the starter ignition that had a hook symbol on it so I pressed it. The hook sped out, latched onto the back of the fender on the truck along with Leo’s and Mikey’s, but then the string didn’t keep on to the Go-Cart.

“Donnie did say they weren’t ready!” Sophie drove up beside us all.

“I know!” Leo called out. "Let’s just cut them off".

Sophie nodded then drove off, driving up to the truck and going to the side that didn’t have Dogpound keeping as eye out. Leo and I went to the other side. I wasn’t sure what we were going to do until Dogpound swiped at us, making me duck and swerve into the truck.

My Cart bounced off the wheel nearest to me and then swerved back. Mikey had to avoid my Cart, swerving away from both me and the manhole cover Dogpound threw at us. Sophie’s Cart came in the way and she jumped out of it as the cover crushed hers pretty good before it could get at either mind or Mikey’s.

Mine eventually landed on its side. Thankfully for my helmet, I didn’t receive too much damage. My Cart, other than a few bend pieces, didn’t really either. I got out and picked my Cart up and setting my helmet in it.

Dogpound was coming at me and I rolled away just in time. He slammed his big paw down where I was just standing. I got out both my swords and blocked his small paw’s attack. Swinging at his legs, he spun around and his giant tail whacked me away.

I saw Mikey fighting a Foot Soldier to keep away from the sewer opening Dogpound created. Sophie and Leo were coming over to help me. From my place amongst the wall, I looked up and saw some high beams.

Dogpound was coming closer while fighting Leo and Sophie. Mikey had knocked out the Foot soldier and was headed this way. Leo was thrown toward me and I ducked, but he caught his footing and came right back for more. I threw a smoke bomb and poofed up one of the beams.

I got my breath back and watched as Dogpound turned and tried to get the hose back in the sewers.

“Don’t let him pour that chemical!” Leo shouted.

“Kind of obvious!” Sophie yelled back, trying to keep up with Dogpound.

I jumped down and followed them. Mikey and I worked as a pair, trying to keep the hose away from the manhole cover. Leo and Sophie fought Dogpound even while he was trying to bring the hose up.

Suddenly, I heard metal scrape metal and looked up. Dogpound had Leo against the tank with the substance. Leo’s sword was stabbed into the metal and leaking out a little. Sophie came up and swung a kick at Dogpound’s head, making him let go of Leo.

Leo took his sword out and a flood of green fluid, not goop thankfully, spilling out on the street. We all looked at it and Dogpound got up, grabbing the hose again.

“What did Donnie say about this stuff again?” Leo asked.

“It’s explosive when exposed to water.” Sophie answered.

“Mikey!” Leo turned to him. “Throw the water balloon.”

“What water balloon?” Mikey asked innocently.

“The one you were going to throw at me when this was over.” Leo answered.

Mikey and I looked behind his back, and sure enough, there was a green water balloon. “Whoa.” Mikey said, then looked at Leo, preparing to throw it. “You’re not another Naomi, are you?”

“No.” Leo snapped as Mikey threw the balloon at the gap where the substance was spilling.

It splattered against the metal and Dogpound looked up as it exploded. It sent us all back, but I didn’t see Dogpound again until I got up off the ground. He was getting up and running off.

“Nice job, Mikey.” I coughed.

Flames licked the sky as a result from the spilling stuff on the street. Leo nodded in agreement as Mikey threw another water balloon. “Another point for Dr. Prankenstein!”

Sophie, Leo, and I looked at Mikey and Leo asked, “Where do you keep all those balloons?”

“You don’t wanna know.” Mikey smiled.

Foot steps landed behind us and I heard Donnie’s voice, “There you guys are.”

Naomi came up behind Raph. She can blend in with anything! I thought she had disappeared again. She looked at me and smirked. We all grouped up and gathered out Go-Carts again.

“So, Donnie,” Sophie asked. “How do you supposed you’re going to get the nonworking Go-Carts back at the lair.”

“I don’t know…” Donnie said. “And they’re Patrol Buggies!”

I scoffed and we pushed the nonworking ones down toward the lair. I still think they’re Go-Carts.

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