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Even the next day was a lazy day, but I didn’t go back to the skating rink again, still a little worried about Shredder. Leo came up to me after I had pushed Raph away that it may do good to hide for a few more days to make Shredder think we were dead. I thought that was crazy, but it was Leo and he wouldn’t take my word for it, so I let him have his way.

Next day, I was laying on the couch, thinking about rolling off it, with Sophie near me. With some boredness, I did roll off and my shell clattered loudly, making Sophie look at me.

“Really?” she asked. “Really?”

“What?” I asked on the floor, rolling up to look at her. “I’m too lazy to turn TV on…”

“It’s not even five feet away from you.” Sophie said.

“I know. But I don’t wanna get up.”

I heard foot steps then Donnie’s voice say, “You will when you figure out what I’ve been working on.”

“Besides smoke bombs?” Sophie interjected.

“I’m still trying to make more, yes, but they’re drying currently. No, I meant something for you mature Turtles.”

“We’re mature?” I asked, getting up into a sitting position with my legs crossed like an Indian.

Donnie looked at me, “Give or take a few reasons.”

“If anything, you should ask Naomi.” I said.

“She doesn’t exactly know how to have fun.”

Sophie and I looked at one another and nodded. She looked back at Donnie, “So what you got?”

With a happy smile, Donnie pulled out what looked like metal poking sticks with some stiff goop attached to it. “I call them Sparklers.”

“Why?” Sophie asked. “They don’t look very sparkly.”

“No,” Donnie shook his head, examining one. “Well, Naomi told me what they were called and because of what I mixed them with to create it. I mixed some explosives with some water, and other chemicals to freeze the water so that instead of actually exploding, they just look like this.” and hit lit one with a match.

Instantly, the end of one of the Sparklers lit up and I flinched away, thinking about the explosives. But instead, it stayed on the stick, lighting up around it with a gentle, yet harsh, light.

“Wanna try one?” Donnie asked, offering one to us.

“I do.” Sophie said, taking it and beginning to light it.

“Wait!” Donnie exclaimed as Sophie dropped the stick in pain. “You’re supposed to hold it where I didn’t put the explosive stuff on. That’s why I left a part free.”

“Thanks for the warning.” Sophie growled, picking up the still-existing Sparkler. “But it is fun.”

“Can I try one, Donnie?” I asked.

“Sure.” he said, grabbing another one. “Just hold the blank part.”

I grabbed it and hit lit it. It looked like a firework that was everlasting and staying some-what in the same place. I began to walk with it, twirling it around in the air.

“Aw, Donnie, it’s out.” Sophie whined.

“It will do that.” Donnie nodded. “It’s not everlasting. As soon as it hit’s the last of the mixture, it dies out. And when that happens, just throw it away.”

Sophie tossed hers into some forgotten corner and glared at me with mine still going. I laughed and ran around before it went out.

“Mikito?” I heard Mikey’s voice ask. He popped into view from his room. “Oooo, what’s that?”

“A Sparkler.” I explained as mine went out. “That went out…”

“Did Donnie make them?”


He smiled and ran in the direction of the main room, “Donnie! Donnie! I want a Sparkler!”

“No way!” I heard Sophie exclaim. “You’ll burn the lair down!”

I walked in, tossing my Sparkler into the same corner Sophie threw hers in.

“But I wanna have one!” Mikey whined.

“No!” Donnie snapped, gathering the Sparklers up and retreating into his room.

Mikey made his shoulders sag and I came up to him, patting him. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you one next time.”

A Turtle That Was Hidden (TMNT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now