Back to the Same Schedule

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When we got back to the lair, Naomi was, yet again, gone. Raph was looking everywhere for her.

“Then I guess it was just the scariest and the unpredictable one that was at the lair.” Sophie crossed her arms. “My mistake.”

Raph heard her then turned to us, “Was Naomi with you?”

“No, why?” I asked.

“She isn’t here.”

“Again?” I dropped my shoulders. “She can’t seem to stay visible for very long.”

“Should we go look for her?” Leo asked.

“She always comes back, though.” Mikey said.

I looked at Raph, “When was the last you seen her?”

“Before I took a… nap…” he said, a little embarrassed.

“You take naps?” Leo looked a little confused.

“Yes, believe it or not.”

“I don’t,” Mikey smiled, looking innocent as Raph glared at him.

Donnie came in. “What’s with all the hubbub?”

“Naomi’s gone again.” Leo summed it up.

“Should I make another tracking device?”

“Not a swell idea.” I said. “Remember the last one you made?”

“Besides,” Sophie sighed, walking in and plopping down on the couch. “She may just be looking for us. I mean, we did just leave.”

“But she told us where you two were.” Leo pointed out.

“Oh…” Sophie looked disappointed. “Then I don’t know…”

That’s when I heard heavy breathing and foot steps pounding, coming in the direction of the subway. Everyone else heard it too and looked that way. Sure enough, Naomi came rushing in, out of breath, and little confused.

“Naomi!” Raph said. “Where have you been?”

“One,” she said, looking at him. “Why do you ask? And two, looking for Leo, Mikito and the others.”

“But you said where Mikito and Sophie were.” Leo pointed out.

“I said that they might be there.” Naomi breathed. “I wasn’t positive.”

Leo looked a little disappointed, then went into the dojo to train. Sophie followed, already bored. They were the first ones to train after the Shredder battle. Hopefully their wounds don’t reopen…

Naomi sighed deeply, getting her breath under control. “Now that that’s done and over with, I’ll be off.”

She headed toward the water entry way. With a quick dive, she made hardly a sound even entering the water, and was out of sight.

I looked at Raph who looked like he was thinking. Sighing, I pushed him toward the water entry again, for the second time, and said, “Go and be out of my sight. And try and calm her down.”

“Riiight.” he said. “Good luck with that.” but he dived after her anyway.

It was true that I was a little flustered, but that changed when Mikey came in and asked if I wanted to play a video game. I smiled and followed him into the room, completely and honestly bored. Besides, I needed to get Naomi out of my mind for the moment.

A Turtle That Was Hidden (TMNT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now