Cooling Off

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I asked Leo to turn on Space Heroes later, and he did with a smile on his face. Sophie snuck around and sat between Leo and me. Space Heroes was fun and it seemed more entertaining the more I watched it.

Naomi had taken Spike from Raph again and was trying to sneak him away, but Raph has a inward beacon for where Spike is or something because he took Spike away from Naomi again. He sat on the couch and fed Spike a leaf. Naomi came up and sat down, watching Space Heroes before turning around and saying something to Raph.

He smiled and I turned around, not really sure what was going to happen next. Before I knew it, there was a ninja star being thrown at the power button to the TV. Another thing Donnie has to fix before something else happens.

Leo turned to Raph. I did too and saw Naomi smirk and get up then leave. Leo glared at Raph, “Why?”

“Oh,” Raph said. “Sorry about that. Spike said Space Heroes is too stupid for him.”

Sophie listened to the small conversation before turning her head to look at Raph as well, “Well that’s saying something since he hangs out with you all day.”

I looked at Sophie and gave her a high three, “I couldn’t have worded it any better, Sophie.”

Raph watched as Spike climbed off his shoulder. Naomi came back in and snatched him up, this time without Raph knowing. “Nice going, Sophie, you made him mad!”

“Ooo.” Sophie said, wiggling her fingers threatening. “Like I’m scared of an actual turtle.”

“You’re scared of me, aren’t ya?”

Sophie shrugged. “A little, maybe.”

Leo stood up as Raph did. He pushed him back a little, “Cool down, Raph.”

I heard some foot steps then Mikey’s voice call, “I can help with that!”

Then before I knew it, a blue water balloon was thrown through the air. Leo ducked right on time and it hit Raph square in the face.

Naomi came in with Spike on her shoulder, “This outta be interesting…”

Raph turned to Mikey as Mikey jumped in a circle saying, “Dr. Prankenstein strikes again!”

Growling, Raph stomped over to Mikey and began to just glare at him. Mikey chuckled nervously, “You should see your face right now. You look soooooo mad.”

Turning around, Raph looked at the place he left Spike, but he then noticed Naomi had him and turned to her instead, “You’ll like this show, Spike. It’s call ‘Does Mikey Bend That Way.’”

Naomi chuckled as Raph cracked his knuckles and began chasing Mikey. I whimpered, wanting to help but knowing I was no match for Raphael.

Sophia nudged me and whispered to me, “While we have some time until the TV gets fixed, let’s bother Donnie about it.”

I nodded, “Sure.”

We walked into Donnie’s lab and he had a blow torch, working under some cart-looking things. There were eight seats altogether. I counted us up and there was seven, so why eight?

“Donnie!” Sophie yelled.

The blow torch’s glow stopped for a few seconds. Donnie paused then his face, only it was a protective helmet instead, appeared under the cart. “Oh, hi. Did you yell for me?”

“No.” Sophie said sarcastically. “I was yelling for your twin brother, Jonny.”

“But I don’t have a twin…” Donnie trailed off, raising the helmet so he can look at us clearly, before looking at Sophie with a “really?” expression. He got up, kicking away the skateboard he used to get under the vehicle easily under a desk of his. “So what do you want?”

“Raph broke the power button to the TV.” I said.

“Again?” Donnie sighed. “I gotta take away his ninja stars.”

“Now there are only two people I know that could do that an not get hurt.” I said. “Naomi and Splinter.”

Donnie opened his mouth then closed it like he was thinking. He took off the helmet and put it on his desk. “You’ve got a point, Mikito.”

“I don’t think you’d want her to point.” Sophie crossed her arms. “You never know what might go boom.”

Naomi’s voice passed through the door, “It makes things go boom!”

We looked at the entrance, but she was already gone. Mikey, Raph, and Leo came in though, looking in the direction Naomi just passed.

“Is it just me or is Naomi getting creepier and more random?” Mikey asked, coming in.

“Yeah.” I nodded. “I think her old self is kicking back in.”

“Old self?” Raph repeated.

“She was really curious and actually didn’t creep me out as much. Then Mii-wa made her leader and she sorta toughened up a ton.” I replied.

Again, Donnie looked thoughtful, “Do you think it’s because now that Sophie is out of the secrets she’s hiding that she can loosen up a little?”

“That or she’s hiding another one and wants us to think that.” Sophie guessed, shrugging.

“I’m getting this only briefly.” Raph shook his head.

“You’re not exactly supposed to get Naomi, Raph.” I said. “She’s the mysterious one.”

“And now random apparently.” Sophie butted in.

Naomi came in, “Would you stop talking about me now?” We each stiffened a little and looked guilty. She came up beside me and looked at the carts. “Ooo, go-carts.”

“They’re not Go-Carts!” Donnie snapped instantly. “They’re Patrol Buggies.”

“They look like Go-Carts though.” I said.

Donnie glared at me and I smiled, backing up to Mikey. He patted my shoulder and we watched everyone just talk.

“Don’t you think you’re working a little too hard?” Sophie asked.

“Splinter has been up to our necks in training as it is.” Raph complained.

Leo turned to Raph, “We all deal with our stress in different ways.”

“This is my way,” Donnie smiled.

Mikey threw a water balloon into his hand and I smiled as he said, “And this is my way!” throwing the balloon at Donnie.

“I think you might wanna run now.” I told him as Donnie turned to Mikey.

Mikey ran away with Donnie right on his heals. Raph came up and counted the Go-Carts. “There’s eight of them but only seven of us.”

Naomi butted in this time. She had morphed to a wall, leaning against it. Her head was lowered and her eyes closed. The worst part was, she was in the shadows, again. “I told Donnie to make eight.”

“Why?” Leo asked. “And when did you know he was making these? And when did you ask?”

“A few days ago.” she replied, looking up at Leo. “I got bored so I walked in here to see what I could predict and I found these. Then a few days before that, I saw something else future-wise.”

“And that is…?” Sophie asked.

“Like I’d tell you.” Naomi scoffed. “It’s already enough you are questioning why I’m avoiding Kraang fights.”

“Yeah,” Raph said. “Questioning. Not knowing.”

Naomi smiled, the white in her teeth piercing the shadow. She leaned up off the wall and walked over to us, “But if I told you, it wouldn’t be exactly the end you’d want.”

“Huh?” I asked.

“Never mind.” she shook her head then looked toward the entrance. “April.”

A Turtle That Was Hidden (TMNT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now