Do Bombs Go Boom?

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April was crying when Sophie came up out of the whole. Without warning, she hugged Donnie and we just stared dumfounded at her, not really sure what to say. Donnie just lightly put one arm around her in response and when she pulled away, Donnie looked her straight in the eyes and said, "We'll get him back, April. I promise." 

"Sorry to interrupt," Naomi butted in. "But Raph told me of a Mutagen bomb a little ways uptown to deal with?" 

"Right." Leo nodded. "Let's go." 

"I'll hang back until you get rid of the Kraang." Naomi announced. 

"Again?" Raph asked. 

"Yes." Naomi said, running past him. "Again." 

Raph slowed down to meet me, "Is there something wrong with Naomi to make her act like this?" 

I shrugged. "When I spent the night in her room she just explained roughly, not giving detail. She just said that she wouldn't fight in any Kraang battles for a while." 

Raph looked at me then toward Naomi who was jumping across one roof with Sophie close behind her. He sighed and ran off beside Donnie and Leo. When we arrived, Kraang were everywhere. 

"We need to go back to the lair." Leo said. "Get the bow and arrows." 

"Way ahead of you," Naomi said, grabbing the bows from a nearby roof. When she gave them to us she smiled innocently, "It's nice to be a mind reader every now and again, huh? Especially the Kraang." 

"You can read the Kraang's minds too?!" Sophie exclaimed. "Who's mind can you not read?" 

"One that will come tonight," she stammered with a shudder. "Nobody will expect or like it." 

"You can be really confusing sometimes..." I muttered, getting a bow. 

"I have some dynamite to string them around so when they hit the Kraang, they explode." Donnie announced, giving us each a half dozen sticks of dynamite. Then, with the help of both Donnie and Naomi, since she didn't need any to put on, and Sophie, who didn't know how to shoot a bow and arrow, we had our arrows stocked with the dynamite quickly. 

Then we went our separate ways and began to shoot the Kraang while running. I've used a bow and arrow a few times, but enough to be skilled at it like the others were. Sad thing was, for once, I was the only girl in this battle. At least for now. 

When the last Kraang was finished for, Naomi and Sophie joined us. Both kept watch for any more Kraang. Donnie found the place to diffuse the bomb and he began getting scared. 

"This is so complex..." he muttered. 

"What is it, Donnie?" Leo came over. I came in behind him, saw the wires and grew instantly confused, so I went over to where Sophie and Naomi were. They looked at me and allowed me to join them. 

Naomi's gaze went to the top of the Mutagen bomb. Both me and Sophie looked up as well, knowing something wasn't right. And it wasn't. Chris and Xever were up there and looking ready to fight. 

"Great!" Sophie exclaimed. "How'd they find us?" 

"They have ninjas of their own." Naomi said, getting out and extending her staff out. 

Chris and Xever jumped down to meet the three of us down. I looked at the boys and Leo saw them as well and said something to Donnie and jumped over with Mikey and Raph to help us out. 

"This night couldn't get any better!" Raph complained. 

"Just watch as you jinx it." Naomi snapped. 


"Nothing." then Naomi jumped, jabbing her staff into the ground and using it to propel herself at the two warriors. Thankfully, they didn't have any of the Foot with them so it seemed fair enough. 

With a quick reaction, Chris slid under her and kicked away her staff, sending her to Xever who kicked her away against a wall. Naomi may be the better fighter when she pays attention, but she's gotta use her mind reading against other opponents too. 

"For once, Mikito," she called out to me. "I thank you!" 

She got up and grabbed her staff back, slipping under Xever's spinning legs and tripping him using her legs at his arms. He fell back and that's when we decided to join the fray. 

I went for Chris with Sophie and Mikey first. Raph and Leo decided to go and help Naomi. Sophie jumped to distract Chris and I hit him with my hilt in the stomach. He dodged my blows, but Sophie kicked out, hitting him square in the face. 

Chris fell back and I heard Leo call, "You might wanna hurry with that, Donnie!" 

"I'm trying!" Donnie snapped back. 

Naomi switched places with Sophie and came up, whacking Chris on the side of the head. Chris grabbed her staff again and growled, "Your staff is really beginning to get on my nerves." 

"And you can't break it yet." Naomi growled back. "I'll need it to save my own shell." 

"You're trying to now." 

I took the chance of them talking and swung my swords at Chris's wrists. He let go of Naomi's staff to get out of my way. He punched out and I blocked it by crossing my swords in an "X" then kicked out with the help of Naomi. 

"Alright..." Donnie's trouble voice sounded. "I figured out the last two wires. Black... Or green... Which to cut?" 

"Green!" Mikey, Naomi, and I all cried out, Mikey being punched. I growled and tackled Xever. 

Donnie looked troubled and then shrugged, said, "Eh, why not?" and then cut the wire. The bomb shut down and Donnie turned to us, "Guys! Mikey and Mikito were right about something!" 

"I was apart of it too!" Naomi snapped but shrugged, let it go, and allowed us to get the heat. 

Donnie rushed into battle, letting all his stressed anger out. He made Chris and Xever retreat up the Mutagen bomb where they couldn't get away. The rest of us helped surround them. 

Leo pointed his sword at them, "You are worthy adversaries, but the battle is ours. Put down your weapons and except your defeat." 

Chris looked around and Naomi's eyes widened a little, like she wasn't expecting what was going to happen next. Chris glared at Leo and growled, "Not unless I'm taking you down with me." 

Without warning, Chris stabbed the glass that held the Mutagen, sending cracks up along the glass. 

"No!" Donnie cried, but it was too late because the Mutagen glass broke and sent Xever and Chris down to the ground. 

Naomi looked down and sighed, shaking her head. "The birth of two powerful mutants." 

We looked at her, shrugged it off and headed off. 

"We are just that awesome." Leo smiled. 

"Agreed." Raph said. 

"That was awesome! They'll learn not to mess with us again." Sophie jumped into the air, throwing a fist into it as well in delight. 

Naomi looked troubled, like something else was coming. I looked at her and put my hand on her shoulder as she gasped and a deep, rumbling voice echoed through the night. 

"You're skills are good, but not good enough to stand up against me." 

We all looked at who made the comment and our celebration was short-lived. A large guy with blades coming from his armor on his shoulders and helmet top jumped down from the Mutagen bomb. 

Mikey asked, "Is this Shredder?" 

"It's definitely a Shredder." Raph commented. 

Naomi gulped and her eyes grew wide and her pupils decreased to the size of a pencil point on a paper. "And the one mind I can't read."

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