Ninja Smoke Bombs

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After the skating rink, we all just went to lair and plopped down and took long nap. Next day, yeah, we were tired, Leo and Sophie wanted to train. Leo bugs Raph and Raph agrees finally, Naomi agreed with Sophie, and guess who I got? Nobody, really. I just watched because I was really bored. 

Leo kicked at Raph's head, Raph blocking it with his arms crossed, then he crouched down and swung his leg to try and trip Leo, but Leo jumped up and brought his foot down to try and smash Raph's head again. Raph rolled sideways to avoid getting kicked. 

Sophie jumped at Naomi, Naomi moving sideways and kicking out at Sophie who spun out of the way. She then did a no-hand back flip, trying to kick Naomi's chin, but Naomi did her own back flip, landing on her hands then doing the splits twirling in mid-air, kicking Sophie away. 

That's about the time Donnie walked in. He carried a few eggs with some paper stuck to them. "Guys, guys! Wanna see what I made?" 

"It's not another Metalhead, is it?" Naomi asked sadly. 

"Metalhead?" Sophie repeated. 

"One of Donnie's experiments gone wrong." Naomi explained. "You appeared not long after it." 

Donnie glared at Naomi but then dismissed it. "I made ninja smoke bombs!" then he used one, throwing it on the ground. Smoke blasted up from the broken egg. When it cleared, Donnie wasn't there and then he appeared behind Raph and Leo, smiling like he was amazing. 

"I stand corrected," Naomi said happily. 

"Really?" Leo asked. 

Raph took his chance and finally tripped Leo. Leo got up and punched Raph lightly. 

"Yep." Donnie said and I just waited for an explanation. "I got eggs, carefully drilled a hole into them, blew out the contents, waited for them to dry out, then covered one of the holes, then added explosive powder and then covered the other hole up." 

"Yeah, yeah." Raph said, pushing Leo out of the way. "Just let me see them." 

"I'm trying to tell you guys they take a long time to make, so use them sparingly." Donnie said. 

Naomi came up behind Donnie and took one. 

"Naomi, don't." Donnie ordered. 

With a smirk written on her face, she threw the egg down. Purple smoke blew up from where she threw it and when it cleared, she was gone. Then some more smoke appeared behind the tree. She came into view. "That is cool! But I don't really need them..." 

"That's true." Sophie said, crossing her arms and transferring most of her weight to one leg. "Don't let Mikey have any, Donnie." 

"Who wants omelets?" Mikey called from the kitchen. 

"Speaking of Mikey..." Naomi came up beside me. 

"Omelets..." Donnie muttered, then put it together. "Mikey, don't--!" 

More smoke came in front of Donnie and Mikey appeared there, holding a bowl of eggs and wearing an apron. 

"Don't girls usually cook?" Sophie asked. 

"So now Mikey's a girl?" Naomi asked Sophie. 

"No!" I countered, trying to protect Mikey. 

"You never know." Sophie shrugged. 

"Mikey," Donnie sighed. "Those are smoke bombs, don't use them up because they take a long time to make." 

Mikey's eyes grew to the size of the bowl itself, which was pretty big. "Shut up." he said and took one, throwing it on the ground and disappearing behind the smoke. He appeared behind Naomi, poked her then threw another one before she could get him. Then he appeared on a branch on the tree. "This--" poof. "--is--" poof. "--the best--" poof. "--day--" poof. "--ever!" 

Then Donnie grabbed Mikey's wrist before he could use another one. I went up and took the bowl with the smoke bombs in it away from him. 

"Mikey," I complained, showing him the bowl. "There's only a half dozen left." 

"I don't care." Mikey smiled. "They're fun." 

"I haven't even used one." I said, picking one up. 

"Don't you dare, Mikito." Donnie said, coming up and taking the bowl away from me. "You can be as bad as Mikey sometimes." 

"I--I--" I tried, but breathed out and gave up. 

"You don't know how to respond to that, do you?" Naomi said, coming up from behind me, making me jump. 

I turned on her, "Of course I don't. And stop reading my mind!" 

Sophie came up and patted my shoulder, "But it's one of her best abilities other than sneaking around in the shadows." 

Naomi nodded and looked toward the entrance as April rushed in. "Look who's here, Donnie." 

"Guys!" April said urgently, sitting down on the couch and holding herself. "I just got attacked by a huge pigeon-man."

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