Shredder's Unknown Plan

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Like always, Donnie greeted April, but again, she pushed past him. Mikey scoffed and I stopped him before he could throw another water balloon and get hurt again. It’s already enough that he gets chased twice, but a third time may be too much for him.

“I have another plan,” April announced. She showed us her phone and then a pizza box.

“Does it involve us having pizza?” Mikey asked.

April shook her head, “Not this time, Mikey. But I need your guys help.”

“Alright,” Leo nodded. “Let’s go.”

Splinter walked past, “Be careful.”

“Relax, Sensei.” Raph said. “We’re going to be careful.”

Then we headed up. Everyone was with us so I was grateful. April walked on the sidewalk again while us the roofs like we always did. Finally, we stopped by the cathedral we were earlier today.

April took the box and put a recording device on it like she did the last time with the Purple Dragons. She walked up to the door and knocked on it. I saw a Foot answer it then slam the door in her face.

Somewhere, something rang and Donnie picked up a phone-looking device. He answered it and put it on speaker.

April’s voice crackled through the device, “Seems like the Foot Clan are smarter than the Purple Dragons.”

“That’s okay.” Leo said. “Just get out of there.”

“I’m not done yet.” April’s voice said. She hung up and Naomi, Sophie, and I looked at the device.

Sophie spoke up first, “We want one.”

“One what?” Donnie asked. “A T-Phone?”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “Do you all have one?”

Raph, Leo, and even Mikey showed theirs. Donnie said, “They’re for emergencies only, though. And I‘ll give you yours when we can comfortably relax in the lair.”

Naomi shrugged, “Fine by me.”

“She’s gone rogue!” Mikey whined. I looked down and saw April throw the pizza away in a dumpster.

We watched as she knocked on the neighbor’s door. They exchanged some words before she pushed past him.

“She’s amazing, isn’t she?” Donnie asked silently.

Everyone glanced at him. Naomi rolled her eyes. I noticed movement on the roof and I was about to point at it before Naomi grabbed my hand and shook her head. She did instead and we watched as April jumped from the neighboring roof to the cathedral roof.

“That was too close for comfort…” Sophie breathed.

“It would’ve bee worse if Mikito pointed.” Naomi said. I glared at her but she ignored it.

April retreated into a hole in the glass of the cathedral. She called Donnie again and put him on speaker. To be safe, Donnie put us on silent so we wouldn’t be heard and on speaker so we could all hear the plan.

Shredder’s voice sent shivers up my spine. It was only a week ago that we fought, but the memory will still last.

We all listened before I got curious about the T-Phone and asked, “Can it text too instead of just call?”

“Mikito!” Naomi hissed at me. “Quiet!”

Shredder said something else that made me loose track then he ended what he was going to say, “You will find this rare chemical and pour it in the sewers.”

Donnie sighed, “Great. Now we don’t know what the chemical is. Nice going, Mikito.”

“For once it isn’t me!” Mikey raised his arms happily. “But it’s sad that it’s you, Mikito.” he looked at me sadly.

Then the doors opened and Dogpound with some Foot Clan soldiers. April came out of the cathedral and stayed in the alley right between the house she entered and the cathedral.

Her voice spoke through the speaker, “Should I follow them?”

I saw Dogpound’s ear flick toward the place April was hiding. Naomi was up and running down the roofs before Donnie even had a chance to say to April, “Dogpound heard you! RUN!”

April was tied up and thrown into a truck with some Foot before Donnie could hang up the phone. We all followed Naomi before we gave up.

Sophie looked at me, “Go-Cart time?”

Donnie glared at her, “They’re Patrol Buggies!”

“Yeah, yeah.” Sophie scoffed. “Let’s get them so we don’t have to run.”

“It’d be wise to grab Naomi’s as well.” Leo advised as we retreated underground to receive the Patrol Buggies. This should be fun!

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