The Days of Healing

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The battle with Shredder left everyone exhausted and worn out. All of us were lazy and waiting for our wounds to heal. Nobody really trained or did anything but change bandages, play games, watch TV, and just talk. I couldn’t get what Mikey did out of my head and I think Naomi knew because she kept giving me these looks that I didn’t know what to think.

Everyone seemed bugged about loosing until about the second day except Naomi. She seemed to jump at most things. Maybe it was because she hadn’t been to the surface, but whatever the reason seemed to be, it made her edgy. Raph was the second edgiest. Maybe that was because Naomi was.

I think it was three days after the fight with Shredder, I got out my skates and began to head to the surface. Sophie stopped me, looked at my skates then retreated to her room. I waited as she got hers out. We didn’t say a word to each other as we headed up.

We found the skating rink that April showed us and decided to just skate around for awhile.

“Soooo.” Sophie said, passing me. “For once Naomi’s not with us.”

“But I imagine she knew we were going out.” I said.

“Well I didn’t say anything to her.”

We found Donnie’s stereo that he found and kept here and decided to throw on some tunes to break the uneasy silence when we weren’t talking. The CD’s weren’t here, so I think Naomi had taken them without any of us knowing.

Soon, we were just strolling along the floor, bored out of our minds when we heard two pairs of feet land on the concrete in the other room. Quickly, we got into fighting stance and got out our swords.

“Sophie?” I heard a familiar voice call out.

“Mikito?” I heard another and more familiar voice speak up.

“Would you two at least knock before we go ninja on your shells?” Sophie sighed.

Mikey came into view. “Sorry.”

“Naomi told us you were here.” Leo explained.

Sophie looked at me and blinked. “You’re not turning into Naomi are you?”

“I don’t want another Naomi!” Mikey whined.

I smiled then washed it away, “So Raph, Donnie, and Naomi are at the lair?”

Leo nodded, “You don’t see them here, do you?”

“No…” I muttered. “But you left the creepiest, scariest, and most unpredictable one back at the lair.”

“Would you rather it be the unpredictable one with the one that likes to mess everything up together alone?” Sophie asked, sheathing her sword. I did the same.

“No.” I growled. “And stop talking to Mikey like that.”

“She was talking about me?” Mikey asked.

Leo shook his head. “You guys brought your skates?”

“We are at a skating rink.” Sophie said. “Did you bring yours?”

Mikey nodded. “On the roof.”

“We wanted to make sure you girls were here first.” Leo explained.

Sophie waved toward the duct. “Well, then, go get them!”

Mikey smiled and jumped up to get to his skates. Leo helped him by interlocking his fingers together then hoisting Mikey up. Mikey caught the edge then grabbed the skates, both Leo’s and his. Leo helped Mikey back down.

“Alright.” Sophie smiled, putting her hands on her hips. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

“What show?” Mikey asked, strapping on his sherbert-colored skates.

Sophie rolled her eyes. “Nothing.” then skated away.

Leo finished putting his navy blue ones on and stood up, a little wobbly, before following after Sophie. Mikey seemed to have trouble with his second one so I skated up to him, kneeled down and helped him.

“Thanks,” he smiled.

I smiled back, “I don’t mind helping you, Mikey.”

“You don’t?”

“Not unless it’s to do some kind of terrorist act.”

“Sounds more like Raph.”

I laughed and helped him up. He was immediately unbalanced and skated right into me, making us both tumble down. We both chuckled nervously as we righted ourselves.

“If your wondering why I kissed your forehead that night…” he trailed off.

Shaking my head, I said, “It’s fine, Mikey. I understand.”

“You do?”

“A little…” I smiled nervously.

“Hey!” Sophie called. “You two coming?”

“Eventually.” I sighed, getting up and helping Mikey up as well.

His balance caught and we began skating through the place, happy as we could be. Sophie and Leo stuck as close as me and Mikey were, if not more. Something was going on between everyone in this group, and it’s changing us all.

When we were all exhausted, Leo told it was time to go. If it wasn’t Naomi, it was Leo. So we headed out, shutting the music off and turning the lights down. We left for the lair happy and easy going, but still on the watch for Shredder.

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