Chapter 1

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„Your honor, this man has killed 4 people in less than a month. He doesn't deserve a bail!" I scream not being able to control my anger.

„I object! Do you even have a proof of what you are saying? My client –„

„Your client is trying to escape from a life sentence and I'm not letting this to happen. And of course I have a proof. Do you even know with who you are talking? Your honor, I have here the knife this man used to kill his victims. It was found in his apartment and has his fingerprints on it."

„The bail is rejected. Mister Blum you will spend the rest of your life behind the bars."

Being a lawyer is not as easy as everyone thinks it is. Being a famous lawyer might be even harder, especially when the press is constantly trying to get your attention. This was a very simple case because having the weapon and the killer, I knew that the trial was mine. After leaving the court I head directly to my office. Somehow I managed to avoid the press.

„Aleksandra, that was one of your best trials. You were amazing."

„Thanks, Elise, I couldn't do it without you. If you wouldn't have discovered that knife in his house, he would have managed to get a bail."

Elise wasn't just my personal assistant, she was my best friend and the only person who believed in me from the first moment. You see, I'm not a German, I came from Russia five years ago hoping that here in Dortmund I will have a better life. It wasn't easy at first, because nobody wanted to give me a job as a lawyer thinking that I don't have enough experience, but after months of begging I succeeded in finding someone who believed in me. That person was Elise.

„Tell me I don't have to see anyone else today", I beg my best friend.

„I would like to tell you this but Marcel called and told me that he has already spoken with you about a friend of his who has a problem with his driving license. Anyway, I didn't understand exactly. You know Marcel and the way he gets lost among the details."

„Oh, shit, I totally forgot about him. Okay, I guess I don't have a choice. When they come, let me know, I'll be in my office"

Walking to my office I started remember that a few days ago, Marcel called saying that he really needs my help with one of his friends. I accepted only because Marcel and I used to spend time together once in a while. He is not my boyfriend, he is just a friend with benefits.

My office was a real mess and my desk was full of cases that needed my attention. I sat on my chair and I looked at the first file. A man wanted to institute divorce. Another wanted to get his mothers fortune. What is wrong with these people? I closed the files and put them on the mound that contained the cases I'm not interested with. This is how I spent the hour before Elise came into my office with a big cup of coffee.

„How it goes", she asks me with a little smile on her lips.

„Don't ask. I really don't understand why people get married if they will divorce a few months later."

„Well, I think that the only reason they do this is because they want to make sure that lawyers like you don't lose their jobs", says Elise making me laugh. She always knew how to make me feel better.

„Thanks for the coffee!"

„I thought you needed one. Marcel and his friend are here, by the way."

„Already? Oh, okay then, tell them to come in."

„You know, Marcel's friend is really hot", Elise says before starting to laugh.

„Oh, shut up, I don't care about these things. Now, go and let them in. I want to end this meeting very quickly."

I should get ready for this meeting, right? I should probably arrange my clothes and maybe clean my desk a little, but here I am: staying in the same position, drinking my coffee and waiting for Marcel and his „hot" friend.

„Alek, congratulations for winning another trial. I knew you were the best", says Marcel once he enters the room.

„Thanks, Marcel", I answer giving him a small hug."Tell me what can I do for you."

„Well, I'm not the one who needs help. Let me introduce you one of my best friends. Alek, this is Marco Reus."

„Thanks for giving me the chance to talk to you, Miss Petrova", the man that was sitting in the background finally said. „And congratulations for today."

„Thank you, Mr Reus. Please seat down and tell me how can I help you."

I don't know why but I have the feeling that I've heard this name before. Maybe Marcel told me about him in the past. I can't remember exactly and that drives me crazy.

„Alek, are you here", Marcel asks me amused.

„Yes, I'm here. Sorry I'm a little bit tired. Please, tell me what this is about, Mr Reus."

„Please, call me Marco, it is strange to be called Mr Reus", the man says trying to make a joke.

„Okay, Marco, you can start any time you want", I answered not being impressed by his joke.

„I will make it short. I was caught driving without a driving license and now I risk ending up in a jail because of this."

„Excuse me? Marcel, please tell me this is a joke", I scream angrily.

„Did I say something wrong", Marco asks confused.

„Marco, do you realise that I am a lawyer who only accepts serious cases? This is stupid! You will get a bail and you will be able to drive a few days later. This is a waste of time!"

„Alek, just wait until he finishes his story", Marcel says trying to calm me down.

„Okay, I listen."

„The real problem is that I do not have a driving license. For five years I used to drive without such a thing and now I've been caught. I got a fine of €540,000, but the state wants to sue me", the blonde man finally admits.

„So basically you have to face a trial against the German state."

„Exactly, that's the real problem."

„Can I ask you a question? Why didn't you take your driving license?"

„I didn't thought it was that important", Marco says trying to hide his guilt.

„You have to be kidding me! Why is that?"

„Alek, he is always away and he doesn't really have enough time for this", Marcel says trying to help his friend.

„Marco, what do you do for a living?"

„I am a football player. I.. I play for the local team, Borussia Dortmund."

It all make sense now. That's why his name sounded familiar. He's a famous person and he plays for the local team. Of course he didn't believe that a driving license is necessary for him. He has lots of money. Angry, I stood up from the chair wanting to get closer to Marco. Leaning against the desk, I looked straight into his eyes and asked my last question.

„How much do you earn, Marco?"

„It depends on the year", Marco stars to say but I ask him again: „how much?"

„€10 millions per year, at least", he finally admits.

„Marcel, I'm very sorry but I can't accept his case."

„Why not", Marco asks before Marcel.

„Because it's not worth it. All I can do for you is to give your case to one of my employees. I don't have time for these kind of trials", I say pointing to the mound that was waiting for me.

„That works too. Thanks, Alek", Marcel says before standing up.

„Yes, Alek, thanks for nothing", Marco says angrily while the door closes behind him.

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