Chapter 38

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Aleksandra's POV

Two weeks have passed since Katerina, my nanny, kidnapped Elise. I haven't heard of her and my attempt to find my friend was useless. Working on my own was not as easy as I thought. I've been trying to act like nothing happened, not showing Katerina how scared I was. I was still going to office, I was still wining trials and no one noticed how I really felt. When people from office started to ask me about Elise I only told them that she needed a vacation, but I'm not sure they believed me. Luckily, her parents didn't call me yet. I don't know if I'll be able to lie to them.

"Aleksandra, are you okay" the judge asks me seeing that I wasn't paying any attention to what the other attorney was saying.

"Yes, I'm okay" I answer not wanting to confirm her that I had no idea what happened in the last 10 minutes.

"The witness is yours" she says showing me with her left hand the man who was waiting for me to question him. I nodded my head and I stood up from my chair. But something happened because I lost control of my legs and I almost fell. Fortunately, I leaned against the table preventing the others from seeing this.

"I have no questions, your honor" I say trying to ignore dizziness.

"Then I'll see you at the next term" the judge says before ending the meeting. I took a deep breath and I cursed myself for not being able to end this trail today. I couldn't think straight due to the way I was feeling. It was like I was sick but that couldn't be right. I shook my head and I left the courtroom. Like I was expected, outside there were lots of reporters waiting for me.

"Aleksandra how was the trial" a woman asks me.

"I can't give you any details right now. The trial isn't over and until then I won't be able to talk about it" I answer smiling. "But don't worry, you already know I'll win" I continue to say making the journalist laugh. Of course they knew I was the best.

"What can you tell us about your relationship with the footballer Marco Reus? Is it true you're not a couple anymore" another reporter asks moment in which I stopped smiling. I knew they were going to ask me about this but I realized I wasn't ready to talk about this.

"Yes, it's true. Marco and I – we aren't a couple anymore" I answer while thinking about the night he decided we have to break up. It was the same night in which he told us about his plan, plan that I refused to agree with. I haven't seen him since then and only I know how that feels.

"Rumors say that he cheated on you" the questions kept on coming.

"He didn't cheat on me. We just realized that it wasn't love what we really felt" I answer showing the reporters a little smile. "I have nothing else to declare" I say before finding my way to the car.

The first thing that I did when I got home was to turn on the TV. I just wanted something to distract me from all of the thoughts that were running through my head. But it seems that this was a bad idea because the first thing I saw was a news about me and Marco and our break-up.

"The famous lawyer Aleksandra Petrova and Marco Reus, Borussia Dortmund's player, have official broken up. Aleksandra confirmed today the rumor that was circulating for several days. According to her words she and Marco decided to break up after they realized they weren't in love with each other" the woman on the TV says while a few pictures of us were playing in the background. "Fans of the couple are shocked and they blame Marco Reus for this after seeing him with another woman" she continues to say surprising me. Then pictures with Marco appeared and like the presenter said, he was accompanied by a woman. "The pictures were taken a few days ago and is seems that the woman is a German model. Her name is not known yet but they seem to be pretty close. Has Marco already forgotten Aleksandra" is the question I hear before turning off the TV. I closed my eyes and I asked myself the same thing: have you already forgotten me, Marco?

Marco's POV

"Stupid journalists" I swear while listening to the news that was playing on the radio. It was the third time this day when I heard that Aleksandra and I broke up. Did the really have to talk about this?

"Marco was seen with another woman a few days ago and his fans are more than angry that he already replaced Aleksandra" is the last thing I allow myself to hear before shutting down the radio. I left the car and I went straight to the locker room. I wasn't in a mood to train but I had no choice.

"What the hell was in your mind, Reus" Aubameyang asks in the moment I entered the locker room. He and the other boys were waiting for my answer but I just ignored them.

"We deserve an explanation, Marco" Mario says annoying me.

"I don't have anything to say" I answer hoping they will see how angry I was and leave me alone.

"How could you break up with her" Mario and Auba ask at the same time. "And then replace her with that model" Auba asks one more question.

"I do whatever I want with my life" I answer back while changing my clothes.

"I thought you loved her, I thought that you wanted to marry her, that's what you said to us not so long time ago" Auba says surprising me for a few moment. A lot has changed since that day.

"I realized that I don't love her" I say with no emotion in my voice.

"Yeah and I can bet the blonde you're dating now made you discover real love" Mario ironically says.

"You have no idea what and how I feel" I say to them before leaving the locker room. I still remember the night I told Aleksandra we should break up. She was so shocked and it took her a few minutes to realize what I was asking. Dima, Sasha and Marcel were also shocked but in the end they agreed. But what the others don't know, including Aleksandra, is that Dima kept on training me. He insisted that I still need to know how to protect myself. That's why I go to his house twice a week and train.

Three hours later I was heading home. Scarlet called me a few times asking me to meet her but I just ignored her requests. I wasn't in a mood to see her. I had no feelings for her but somehow I had to forget Aleksandra.

"No, I don't want to go out tonight, Marcel" I tell my friend.

"Are you sure? You could need a distraction" he says one more time making me angry.

"Can't you understand that I'm fine? I don't need a babysitter, Marcel" I almost yell at him. "And you shouldn't go out either or have you forgotten that Elise is still missing" I say before ending the call. Two weeks since Elise was kidnapped and we couldn't find any single clue about the place she was. I slammed the car's door and I cursed one more time.

Once I entered the house a strange feeling was born inside me. It was like someone was watching me and I had no idea. I shook my head and ignored the feeling. I went to the kitchen wanting to grab a glass of water but when I got there I observed that on the table was an empty bottle of wine and a glass. Was Scarlet here and forgot to put them on their place? No, she doesn't have a key. I took a deep breath and I decided that I needed a sedative that could help me sleep better. After taking the pill I went straight to my bedroom but when I opened the door someone was waiting for me there.

"Hello, Marco" a woman says with a big smile on her face.

"Who are you and how did you get in here" I ask trying to remember all the thinks Dima taught me.

"Come on, Marco, you're smarter than that" she answers.

"What do you want" I simply ask making her understand that I knew who she was. She stood up from the bed and came closer to me.

"I want you" she whispers into my ear before she stung me with a needle I didn't saw her holding. A few seconds later I lost control over my body and I fell on the floor losing my consciousness.

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