Chapter 11

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Aleksandra's POV

"What do you mean I have to work for you" Marco kept asking me since the judge told him the final decision. Marco was found innocent, but he deserved a punishment that's why I spoke with the judge to give Marco a 'part-time job': until the day he gets his driving license he has to work for me, which makes me his boss. This is going to be fun.

"It means that I'm your boss and you have to do everything I ask" I answer him one more time.

"But I can't! I have trainings and stuff to do" he says desperate.

"I'm going to announce the club about this decision and you'll be fine. You're stuck with me for the next weeks, so get used to it, woodpecker" I say with a big smile on my face right before I leave the courtroom. Of course Marco started to run after me, catching me in a few seconds.

"I don't understand the reason! Working for you has nothing to do with this trial! What did you do, witch" he asks making me laugh.

"A spell, what else" I answer before putting a smile on my face, that kind of smile which I knew is proper for the press.

"Marco, Marco, is your career in danger? What was the decision? Are you leaving Borussia due to this trial?" were just some of the questions that I've heard when Marco and I stopped to talk with the press.

"My client is not allowed to talk about what has happened in the courtroom, so if you have any questions, please ask me" I say looking at Marco.

"Mrs. Petrova, you are one of the best lawyers in this country, how did you choose to represent Marco Reus in such a trial, knowing that they are not your specialty" a reporter from a sport newspaper asks me.

"Let's say that I wanted to prove to someone that I'm the best no matter the case" I say smiling while looking at Reus. "Now, if you have any questions about what happened in the courtroom -"

"This means that you won the trial" another reporter asks me.

"Of course I won the trial. Marco Reus is innocent and it was very easy to prove that."

"Is Marco going to face a punishment" a woman asks me the question I waiting for.

"Not a real punishment, but he needs to get his driving license as soon as possible, time in which he will work for me. He will do some community work" I answer to this last questions. I looked at Marco and with a small gesture a told him to follow me to my car.

"There was no need for them to know that I have to work for you" he almost shouts at me when we enter the car.

"Too shame you can't do anything about it this time" I say giving him a bitter smile.

"Evil witch" he says whispering, thinking I couldn't hear him.

"You will get your schedule as soon as I talk with the club so we'll keep in touch, well, not actually with me, but I think Elise will be happy to let you know what I've decided to do with you" I say looking into his eyes. "Now, please get out of my car. Marcel is waiting for you" I continue to say while starting the engine.

When I got home, Elise was already at the door wanting to know what has happened. After I told her that I won the trial she started to laugh when she found that Marco will have to be my personal woodpecker for a few weeks.

"What did he say when the judge told him that" she asked me still laughing.

"He almost fainted. You should've seen his face, it was priceless" I answer laughing.

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