Chapter 16

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Aleksandra's POV

"I don't care what you have to do! That stupid meeting has to be this weekend!" I say to Natasha starting to get annoyed.

"I'll see what I can do" Natasha answers before hanging the phone.

"Who is Natasha? Who are you" Marcel asks me scared.

"It's complicated" I try to answer looking at Elise. This car seemed to be too small to support all this tension. I didn't know if it was a good idea to tell them the truth, I didn't know if it was safe from them but then I looked at Elise and I saw in her eyes that it was time to stop hiding, it was time to start trusting people. So that's why I told Marco and Marcel about the organization and about how I'm supposed to become the leader of it after my father died. I didn't tell them exactly what this organization does, I just told them that it was composed of very dangerous people.

"What? You can't be serious" Marcel finally says after seconds of silent. "Elise, tell me she's lying" he continues to say looking at Elise who decided to ignore him.

"She's not lying. I mean, you can see it in her eyes that she's telling the truth" Marco says looking at me.

"But who is Sasha? Why he is so obsessed about you" Marcel asks making me nervous. I had no idea how to answer this question.

"He was my first boyfriend" I say hoping it will be enough for them. "I guess is not necessary to tell you that if you're gonna say this to anyone I'm gonna have to kill you" I say serious making Marco and Marcel look at me with fear in their eyes.

A few days later I was reading the list with the members of the organization. The meeting was in less than two hours and I had to be ready to face them, to let them know I am their boss.

"I couldn't find more about Melor Vasiliev and Pyotr Smirnov and it's driving me crazy" Natasha says sitting on my bed.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of them when time comes" I say putting down the papers I was reading. "I'm worried about Sasha. I haven't heard of him in the last few days."

"He arrived in Krasnodar last night, just after you. It's like he's following you" Natasha answers.

"He is following me" I say to myself.

"Do you really have a relationship with that Marco Reus? I thought you'd never get involved in a relationship again" she asks smiling.

"I guess I was wrong" I answer with a smile not wanting to tell her that our relationship was a lie.

The meeting was going to take place in one of the houses that my father had here in Krasnodar. It was located in a part of the town that was very silent and that was hidden from curious eyes. When I told the members that this meeting will take place in Krasnodar and not in Saint Petersburg they got really angry but I didn't give a shit. I was their new leader and they had to know that I was the one who made the rules.

As time was running they started to arrive giving me a strange feeling. The last time I saw them I was using my pain to cope with them. But now I had nothing. I was surrounded by very dangerous people and I had to use all my wisdom to make them understand I was not afraid of them.

With two minutes before the hour at which this meeting should start there were 11 members sitting around the round table. I was standing at the end of the table respecting my leader status. In front of me should stay Sasha, the one member who hasn't arrived yet.

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