Chapter 4

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Rereading the case I have decided to accept I've realized that it was time to go home and get ready for the party tonight. With Elise gone, I had to take a cab and go home alone. Everytime I have to go somewhere alone it just doesn't feel right and the fact that Elise asked to leave early got me worried. She didn't look tired, she looked sad.

Once I got off the car I decided that I had to talk with her before leaving to the party but I was surprised to see that she wasn't home. Her room was empty and there was no sign that she would have been here earlier. When I tried to call her all I could get was the voice from her voicemail. Not wanting to believe that something happened to her, I decided that she went shopping or met a friend or something like that.

After taking a long shower, doing my make-up and curling my hair, I went directly to the wardrobe still wondering what to wear. It was a party in a club so definitely a short dress. I was going to see Marcel so I needed to impress him. While I was analysing every dress I had, I suddenly rememberd that there was another wardrobe in this house I haven't searched yet. My friends wardrobe was very organized. Looking inside I laid my eyes on a red dress which I don't remember to have seen before. It was short and sexy and perfect for tonight. I took it to my bedroom and put it on me. With a pair of high heels and a little black purse I was ready to party.

Again I had to call for a cab to get to the club. I could have taken my car but how I said before I needed a couple of drinks. The club was on a very exclusivist part of the city. Robin definitely knows what kind of customers he wants. When the cab parked in front of the club I was not surprise to see the crowd that was waiting in line hoping that they will get inside.

„Your name, please" the guard asked me when he saw I wanted to get inside.

„Petrova. Aleksandra Petrova" I answer feeling a little bit sorry for the people who were waiting in line.

„Have a good time, Mrs Petrova" the guard says after he makes sure I am on his list.

Right when the door closed behind me I was hit by the music which was so loud that I couldn't ever hear my own thoughts. I looked around hoping that I'll see Marcel or Robin but the first thing I've noticed was the bar so I started to walk towards it.

„What do I have to do to make you smile" the bartender asks me softly right after I sat on the chair.

„You can start by bringing me a double vodka" I answer smiling.

„Strong drinks for strong womens. Here's your vodka." the bartender stars saying after he gives me my drink. „I'm Robert, by the way."

„Nice to meet you, Robert, I'm Aleksandra" I say seeing that he's flirting with me. „Now, Robert, can you please give me another one" I ask happily showing him my empty glass.

„Not so soon, Alek, I need you sober at least for a couple of hours." I hear Marcel saying while wrapping his arms around my waist. „And you'd better stop flirting with her because she's here with me" he continues trying to threaten Robert.

„What was that? You don't get to act like I'm your property" I say agrily after we started to walk away from the bar.

„Oh, shut up. We both know that Robert was not your type and I also want you for me tonight" he says whispering in my ear and making me shiver.

Not wanting to answer him I continued to walk to the VIP section. Once I got in I've noticed Robin laughing with some other friends.

„The one and only Robin Kaul. I'm so happy to see you" I say a little bit to loud making him to turn around.

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