Chapter 37

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Aleksandra's POV

My hands were shaking and no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't stop watching that video. Elise was paying for my sins. I was the reason she was in pain right now. I have no idea how much time I spent in the parking lot standing on my knees and crying, but I know that when Marco came to me I wasn't able to say any words.

"Aleksandra, talk to me, please" he begs me one more time.

"Stop acting like a baby and start talking, Aleksandra! You won't help Elise if you keep crying" Sasha yells at me making me realize he was right.

"Be careful how you talk to her" Marco threatens him.

"No, Marco, Sasha's right. I need to be strong" I say finally being able to stand up. I went straight into the building wanting to get into Marcel's office. The three men followed me and when we got inside they just gave me the space I needed. All I did in this time was to connect my phone to Marcel's laptop so they could see the video.

"Are you sure you want to see this" I ask not looking at them.

"Just play that stupid video" Sasha answers with anger.

And that's what I did. I played the video and I've watched again how my friend was getting hurt. At first none of the three said a word. They didn't know what to expect. But when Elise appeared I saw Sasha getting tensed. When her dressed was cut both Marco and Sasha cursed. Seeing the way Elise was tortured left them speechless. They were terrified and now they understood why I was acting like a child when they saw me in the parking lot.

"Who did this" Sasha asks in a whisper. He was trying to be brave but I could see that what he saw troubled him.

"My nanny" I answer with hate and pain in my voice.

"What? That can't be right" Sasha immediately says.

"But it is! My nanny is behind all this and I had no idea that she hates me this much" I yell not being able to control anymore.

"But why? I just don't understand" Marco asks worried.

"Because of me. Because I killed her daughter and now she wants revenge. She wants to see me suffer as much as she did when I killed her only daughter" I say while looking both at Marco and Sasha. Marcel was sitting on the couch looking at his hands. He was trying to understand all that was happening and I could bet he was blaming himself.

"Natasha wasn't her daughter" Marco and Sasha say at the same time. I looked at them and I shook my head. Marcel raised his head and he looked at me making me realize he was the only one who managed to connect the dots.

"Natasha isn't the first person I kill" I admit hoping they will remember what I was talking about.

"I can't think of anyone" Marco confesses. I looked at Sasha waiting to see if he remembered but he said the same think as Marco.

"I can't believe you don't remember, Marco. We were there with her. Elise was there too" Marcel finally finds the courage to say something. And his words had the effect he was expecting because Marco remembered. "Irina was the first person Aleksandra killed, which means she was her nanny's daughter."

"Irina was Katerina's daughter" Sasha asks surprised. "How's that possible? No, this can't be true. Dima would've known. She worked for him."

"Not really" a man says while entering Marcel's office.

"What are you doing here" I ask.

"I called him" Marco admits. Since when did they become such good friends? "We need his help and you know it."

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