Chapter 17

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Aleksandra's POV

When I woke up in the morning I could feel how a slight headache was trying to make me never want to drink again. Without opening my eyes I started to feel Marco's presence and memories from the other night came into my mind making me smile. It was one of the best nights I ever had in a long time. Who would have thought that Marco will make me happy? Still smiling I put my right hand on my forehead hoping that this gesture will take the pain away and I opened my eyes wanting to look at Marco. But my smile disappeared when I saw who was standing on a chair in front of the bed.

"What the hell are you doing here" I ask with a whisper.

"Good morning to you, too, love" Sasha answers with a kinky smile.

"How did you get in here" I ask again while making sure my body was covered so that he couldn't see me naked.

"I am a professional killer. Do you really thing a door can stop me from entering your room? I thought you knew me better" he answers making me nervous. Marco was starting to wake up and I really didn't want him to see Sasha. "Get out!"

"What is he doing here" Sasha asks me, ignoring my question.

"He's my boyfriend and he has the right to be here" I shout not being able to resist myself. I realized what I did only when Marco opened his eyes and stood up confused.

"Aleksandra? What's wrong" he asks. When his eyes met Sasha's he grabbed my hand and started to gather. I put my other hand on his arm and I could feel his muscles tensed.

"You're finally awake" Sasha tells Marco. "Now you can get your freaking ass out of Aleksandra's bed" he continues to say starting to get angry.

"You are the one who is leaving, Sasha" Marco answers with the same anger in his voice. "Aleksandra doesn't want you here!"

"You stupid boy! Don't mess with me or -" Sasha starts to say before standing up from his chair and coming closer to Marco. "Don't provoke me to make you regret you were ever born!"

"Fuck you" Marco shouts with a sly smile on his face. He was trying to annoy Sasha more than he already was and he was doing a great job. In just a few seconds, Sasha grabbed Marco's arm making him let go of my hand.

"Let him go" I shout while holding my gun pointed to Sasha's head. Both of them looked at me but all I could see was that Marco wasn't scared. He was somehow proud?

"Put the gun down before you hurt yourself" Sasha says without taking his hands of off Marco.

"Oh, love, you're underestimating me again or did you forget what I can do with a gun" I say confident. "There isn't a thing I wouldn't do to protect Marco. I would kill you in a blink of an eye."

"You're bluffing" Sasha says making me smile at the thought he was starting to wonder if my sayings were true or not.

"Am I" I ask him right in the moment he let go of Marco. "Are you okay" I ask Marco wanting to make sure he was fine.

"I'm okay" he says looking at Sasha.

"Good. Now, go back to your room. Sasha and I need to talk" I say to him.

"What" Marco asks completely surprised by my request.

"Do what I say" I ask him still looking into Sasha's eyes. My right hand was still holding the gun while my other one was holding the sheets so I could cover myself. Without saying any other words, Marco took his clothes and got out of the bedroom.

"Now that we are alone you can stop pretending you really care about that little shit" Sasha says coming closer to me.

"I wasn't pretending. I care about him, I actually love him" I answer wanting to make Sasha leave.

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