Chapter 3

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Waking up in the morning might be a difficult task for some people, but not for me. There are times when I don't even have to set an alarm, I just wake up at the right time. This morning was one of those days. I took my phone from the nightstand and realized that I had two more hours before going to the office so I decided to go running. Like I was expecting, Elise was still asleep. Everytime we wanted to go running she just couldn't wake up. I smiled at this thought and closed the door behind me. I never go to the same places twice, but this morning I didn't want to get too far. I headed to the park thinking of doing only a few laps before going back home.

Justin Timberlake's song started right when I was finishing the last lap. I continued to run without caring that people were looking at me. They just don't understand how amazing is to do things like this without being followed by the press. When I entered the apartment, Elise was in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee with here eyes closed.

„Mornin', sunshine", I say happily.

„Mornin'", Elise answers sleepy. „I just don't understand how you can wake up at hours like those and have so much energy. I hate you for that", my friend continues to say.

„I don't know. I came from the same country as Putin so maybe that's the answer.", I say smiling.

„Okay, I really don't want to know more", Elise admits starting to laugh. „Coffee?"

„I thought you'd never ask" I answer quickly. „I'll give you a rise if you make me coffee everyday" I say laughing.

„I will think about it" Elise says smiling. „What are your plans for today?"

„I really don't know. The only think I know is that I have to get rid of Reus. Thomas will be happy to have this case. And then I have to read all of the files that I ignored yesterday."

„I will help you with those files. I have done all my work and I don't have anything else to do."

„Oh, I don't know what I will do without you" I say to my friend hugging her.

„You'd better go and get ready. We need to be there at 8 and it's already 7.15."

I smiled at my friend and after I finnished my coffee, I went to my bedroom to get ready. But I had a big problem. I had no idea what I should wear.

„Elise, I don't know what to wear" I shout from my bedroom.

„Why don't you try some clothes" Elise shouts back. „Just kidding. Go to your bathroom, I prepared you an outfit" my friend continues to shout from her room. „Thanks, Elise" I answer.

After our loud conversation, I went to the bathroom wanting to take a shower before going to the office. I didn't bother to check the outfit that Elise prepared for me because she knows exactly what I like and how I use to dress at work. After a really short shower, I went to see the clothes I was supposed to wear today: a dark blue dress, black heels and also a big, black bag. I loved this outfit and I loved the way it suited me. I put the phone in the bag and head to the kitchen hoping that there was some coffee left for me.

„I drank the last cup of coffee" Elise says while I was looking for this magic liqueur. „I will make more at the office, I promise! Now, let's go!" Elise promises when she sees my sad face.

This time I was the one who drove the car. When we got to the office, I told Elise to go and make that coffee while I was going to see Thomas. Well, not actually see him, I just told him to get into my office in ten minutes.

„Here's your coffee, my queen" Elise politely says.

„I know I have asked you this question before but I will ask again: why do you dress only in black lately?"

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