Chapter 43 - The End

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Marco's POV

I looked into her eyes without really realizing what was happening. I expected her to scream or curse or say something, but she was only looking at me like what I just did was a normal thing.

I have no idea where she found the strength but she did something that shocked all of us. She put her bloody hands on my shoulders and in just a few seconds she pulled back getting the knife out of her body. I looked at my hands and there it was. I was holding the knife again and the only difference now was that it was covered in blood, Aleksandra's blood. I looked at her again not believing what just happened. But I couldn't see her face anymore because her body was lying on the floor.

"I have to admit that her last gesture was pretty cool" Katerina starts to say. "You did a great thing Marco. I never believed you would actually do it."

"Why" I ask still looking at Aleksandra's body.

"To be honest I thought you were only playing a game with me. You don't seem the kind of guy who is able to kill. I guess I was wrong" she answers showing me her smile right in the moment I turned around to look at her.

"I kept my part of the deal, now it's your turn" I say to her while throwing the knife across the room. My hands were full of blood and it was disgusting.

"I'll do that but only after I make sure she is truly gone" Katerina says while making Alyona a sign with her hand.

Exactly like a robot that listens to its master commands, Alyona started to walk towards Aleksandra's body.

"You have no idea how much I wanted to do this" Alyona says to Aleksandra like she was able to still hear her. She grabbed her body and she slapped her o few times before being satisfied. "She's dead" Alyona tells Katerina.

"No" I hear someone screaming moment in which I remembered that Elise saw everything that happened. I ran to the place she was standing and when I got there I wanted to hug her but she rejected me. "You killed her, how could you do that" Elise starts to say while hitting me with her hands. "I hate you, Marco Reus! I hate you so much" she yells. I ignored her words and I hugged her no matter how much she tried to push me away. In the end she gave up fighting and she let me hug her while she cried her heart out.

"Why did you have to do that" I ask Alyona with anger in my voice. God I hated this girl so much.

"I had to make sure you really killed her and it was not one of her games" she simply answers.

"Are you sure now? Because if you're not I have an idea. I'll use your body as a bat while I hit a fucking dead body" I yell at the girl standing in front of me. It was so disturbing seeing her body hit like this that the anger Alyona woke inside my body couldn't be extinguished so quickly.

"You bitch, you deserve to rot in hell" Elise yells and with a power I didn't know she was still capable of she pulled out of my hug and she went straight to the place Alyona was standing. Once Elise got to her she started to slap Alyona not giving her the chance to defend.

"Take her off of me" Alyona yells at me. But all I did was to stand in the same place and laugh.

"That's enough" Katerina intervenes. "Marco, calm your friend or she's going to join Aleksandra right away. And you Alyona, stop acting like a child, you're pathetic."

"But Katerina" Alyona starts to say but she gets interrupted by a music that started to play inside the house.

"What the hell is happening" both Katerina and Alyona ask at the same time.

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