Chapter 15

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Marco's POV

"Calm down, dude, it's not like it's your first game" Aubameyang tells me seeing how nervous I was.

"I don't want to screw it again. She's here and I don't want to play like shit" I say walking around the locker room.

"Wait a second, you have a she" Auba asks with a big smile on his face. "What's her name?"

"Well, it's not like that, it's just a friend and her name is Elise" I say thinking about my fake relationship with Aleksandra. I have no idea if I should tell him the truth or not. He will find out eventually. "She's here. I'll be right back" I say heading to the hallway. When I got there Elise was waiting for me. She was wearing my jersey and her hair was arranged in a ponytail.

"Where did you get this from" I ask her pointing to the jersey.

"From your wardrobe" she says laughing.

"What? When" I ask her surprised.

"The last time I was at your place. You have plenty of them and I couldn't come to your game wearing another jersey. But if you don't like I can go and take one with Eric Durm. I kind of have a crush on him" she says smiling.

"Oh no, you're definitely wearing my jersey. I don't want to get jealous on Eric" I answer smiling.

"Okay, you're the boss. How are you feeling? Are you ready to be the best player on the pitch" she asks making me stop smiling.

"I don't know, I'm scared I'll screw it up again" I say honestly.

"Don't make me punch you in the face, Marco Reus! You are a great player and the fact that you were off the pitch for a while doesn't mean you'll screw it up" Elise says pissed. "Really now, Marco, you have no reason to think like this. I might not know a lot about football, but what I know is that you'll go out there and you'll do everything to be the best!"

"Do you really have so much faith in me" I ask looking into her big eyes.

"More than you can imagine" she answers making me hug her.

"Why isn't my fake girlfriend here" I ask whispering.

"I don't know. I haven't seen or talked to her since last night. She didn't spend the night home" she says making me wonder where she was. But my questions got their answers when down the hallway Marcel and Aleksandra were walking laughing. I looked at Elise and I saw that she was thinking the same as me.

"Look who's ready to score" Marcel tells me when he got closer to me.

"Where were you the whole night" Elise asks Aleksandra more angry than she wanted to be.

"I was with Marcel. Sorry for not letting you know, I thought you knew" Aleksandra says making Elise to clench her jaw.

"I have to go to the bathroom" Elise says starting to run. The last thing I could see in her eyes was pain.

"Are you insane" I ask Marcel trying not to scream. "Did you forget that you are supposed to be my fucking girlfriend" I ask again looking at Aleksandra.

"No, I did not forget! But this doesn't mean I can't spend the night with whoever I want!" Aleksandra answers angry.

"Shut the fuck up and go after Elise" I tell her wanting to be alone with Marcel.

"What the hell is wrong with you" Marcel asks making me stop controlling myself and a few moments later I grabbed Marcel and slammed him against the wall.

The Laws of Love | Marco ReusWhere stories live. Discover now