Chapter 6

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Being back in Saint Petersburg was not as easy as I thought it would have been. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't explain myself what I was feeling. He was dead and now I have to live with the idea that I'll never see him again. The airport was quite empty and when I looked outside the windows I realized that it was night. I was so concerned about me being here again, that I didn't even called Elise to tell her that I've landed safe.

„Александра (Aleksandra)" I hear my name as I was walking without a destination. My eyes were fixed at my phone, annoyed by the fact that I couldn't get enough signal to call back home. „Earth to Aleksandra" I hear my name again while a pair of arms touched my shoulders. I took my eyes from the phone and looked at the person in front of me. Dressed with a in a pair of black jeans, a very thick jacket and short boots, Natasha was looking at me with a sad smile on her face. Five years ago when I last saw her, her hair was blonde, but now she was looking like Snow White. This colour suited her better and made her green eyes glow like a star. I was about to tell her this when she just hugged me and whispered in my ear that everything is about to get better.

„I'm so sorry about your father" she finally says after leting me go.

„It's okay, it's not like I didn't see this coming" I lie to her thinking about the reaction I had when Elise told me that my father died. „I need you to take me to see him."

„You had a long flight and it's almost midnight, you need to rest. I'll take you to see him tomorrow" Natasha says making me realise that my Russian accent was gone.

„I'm sorry Natasha, but you won't tell me what to do! I want to see my father and I'm not waiting until tomorrow" I say starting to get angry.

„You can't see him, Aleksandra! He... his body is with them tonight and you're not an active member to be alound at their meetings" she says making me shiver. I should've rememberd about this procedure. No matter how hard I wanted to be with my father, I was aware that I had no chance against them. „Come on, my car is outside, I'll take you home" she says with her strong accent. This wasn't my home anymore. With my only familly being dead there was no chance for me to feel like home again. My real home was back in Dormund, with Elise, with her familly, even with Marcel...

„I need to talk with Elise, she must be worried" I say whispering.

„She called me a few minutes before we met. She knows that you're fine, don't worry" Natasha confesses making me jelous. I should've been the one to talk with her, to make sure she is fine. When I left she looked upset.

„Oh, fine" are the only words I manage to say. „When is the funeral" I ask looking outside the car's window.

„Tomorrow morning. Don't worry, he won't be there, at least if he doesn't want to get a bullet in his head" Natasha says after seeing the hate in my eyes.

My father's house was not far from the airport and in no time Natasha was parking the car in front of the porch. Built 150 years ago, the house had a traditional look, big windows, a front door made from an African tree species, two coloumns that sustained the entire house and of course, a big garden surrounding the house. Without realizing, I started to walk in the backyard, my memories and feeling being the ones who controled me. Held by two strong trees, I could see the swing in which I used to spend hours with my father. Everything was exactly how I remember from my childhood. While I was touching the swing, memories came through and made me realise how much I miss my father, how much I miss being a child.

„Your father did everything he could to keep this place untouched. He was sure that one day you will come back" Natasha says standing next to me.

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