Chapter 19

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Marco's POV

"So, are you finally ready to spend some time with me or you still have to make love" Auba says laughing. Since I got to the stadium he kept making fun of me and I was starting to get annoyed.

"Don't tell me you're jealous. You need to spend more time with your wife" I answer with a sly smile.

"And you need to get ready for the game" he says before giving me the chance to change and get ready for the game. It was always a pleasure for me to remember him of his wife because due to the fact that he has a child, he rarely gets a wild night with her.

The game was about to start and I was thinking if I should call Aleksandra or not. Has she come to the stadium? She said we were trying to have a real relationship, but what if she's not ready for one. What if she only said that because we slept together. Now that she knows how Elise feels about Marcel she can't sleep with him anymore. What if I'm just another man?

"It's show time" Kagawa yells making me realize that there was a more important thing to do right now than think about that witch.

"Let's win this game" I say before going out of the pitch.

"Wooh, Marco, you're in a good shape, man" Hummels congratulates me after scoring two goals. This game was incredible. I felt like I could do anything and scoring the winning goals made me feel amazing.

"Thanks man, I couldn't do it without you" I say referring to the whole team. It was a difficult game, but thanks to the fact that we are a great team and because we are friends, we managed to win it.

Back to the hotel I was still wondering if I should go to see Aleksandra or not. Actually, I went to her room hoping she will be there, but the room was empty or that's what she made me think. Using both my hands I started to rub my temples. It was the first time I was feeling like this about a woman. I just didn't want to annoy her - I just didn't want to stop seeing her. Gathering all my will I grabbed my phone and I dialed her number.

"Marco, is there something wrong? Did Sasha do something to you" she asks before giving me the chance to say a single word.

"No, I'm fine. I just wanted to see how are you" I say laying on my bed.

"Oh -" she says surprised. "I'm okay, I guess."

"You didn't come to my game" I say hoping that she'll give me a good explanation.

"I'm sorry, I totally forgot" she admits making me feel like a shit.

"Okay" I manage to say while closing my eyes. I wanted to throw away this feeling that was making me feel this bad but I didn't know how. "I'm flying back to Germany in the morning."

"Already? I'll do the same thing but I'm not sure when yet" she says.

"I was hoping we'll get back together" I admit with hope in my voice.

"I can't. I still have things to do here."

"Maybe I can stay and wait for you."

"No, no, you need to go back, I'll see you in a few days" she says giving me the feeling that she was starting to get bored of me. "I have to go now" she says again before ending our conversation.

What I was expecting? It's not like we had a real relationship, it's not like she was saying the truth when she promised me we'll try to have a real relationship. I was so stupid and this stupidity made me start having feelings for her. Get over it, Reus! She's just a woman who doesn't care about you and you definitely can't have feelings for her. She was just a one night stand.

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