Chapter 20

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Marco's POV

I had no idea who this girl was, I didn't even know her name, I didn't care enough to ask, but kissing her seemed to be the perfect way to forget about that Russian girl. Since I got to the club this girl just flirted with me until I decided it's worth a shot. She wasn't ugly, but her blonde hair was annoying me. I don't like blonde hair, I like dark brown hair like Aleksandra has. Don't think about her! Kiss this girl until you forget about Aleksandra and if you don't succeed just go and fuck her if this is what is take for you to forget her! I say to myself hoping it will be enough. The music was so loud that I was surprised I could hear my own thoughts, but then a sound made me open my eyes and stop dreaming. I ended the kiss and looked straight to the place from which the sounded came. Aleksandra was standing there and at her feet was a broken glass which told me she's the one who provoked the noise I heard. She was shaking and in her eyes I could read pain? Was she affected by me kissing this other girl? But I thought she didn't care about me. With her left hand she wiped away a tear before looking down at my hand. Curious I looked down too and I realized why she was looking like this. My hand was still holding than girl. Like that girl's skin was on fire I took my hand of off her and I looked again at Aleksandra right in the moment she was trying to find her way out of here.

"Aleksandra, wait" I started to yell after her hoping she will stop.

"Where are you going? I thought we were having a great time" the girl says grabbing my hand again.

"We were not" I say without looking at her, while my body decided to run after the woman I really wanted to kiss.

She wasn't in the club anymore so I started to run towards the parking lot. She has to be there, she has to! And I was right. She was next to her car trying to open the door. She didn't notice my presence until one of my hands touched her shoulder.

"Aleksandra" I say her name not knowing what else I could say.

"Leave me alone, Reus" she says still trying to open the door, but this time my body was the one who prevented this to happen.

"We need to talk" I say making her look at me. She was crying. She was crying because of me. Good job Reus.

"We don't have what to talk" she answers trying to look as strong as always.

"Yes we do. We need to talk about us" I say with a soft voice.

"There's no us, there just me and you, no relationship between us except the one in which you work for me" she says moving away from me.

"I'm sorry" I say with a whisper.

"You're sorry" she laughs hysterical. "What are you sorry for?"

"For kissing that girl" I answer giving her what she wanted.

"Fuck you" she says with anger in her voice. "Fuck you and the moment in which you appeared in my life!"

"Aleksandra, calm down, please" I ask her.

"Don't tell me what to do" she yells before hitting me in the chest. She was angry and she was letting me know that. She was feeling betrayed. I was still thinking what should I tell her to explain myself but nothing came up my mind and I was just sitting there waiting for her to say something.

"Get out of my way" she says pointing to her car.

"No, I'm not letting you drive in this mood" I answer worried.

"Don't act like you care about me, you little shit! Get out of my way or I don't know what I'm going to do" she threatens. "Get out" she yells again making me let her get into the car.

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