Chapter 5

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Marco's POV

I looked down at my foot not wanting to believe that this is happening to me again. The pain wasn't to bad but my little finger was looking really strange. I tried to move it but it seems that was a bad idea because I started to scream.

„Dude, what's wrong" Mario asks running towards me.

„I think I broke my finger" I say whispering.

„You did what" Mario asks starting to laugh. „I can't believe that you actually broke your finger. Hey, Thomas, come here" Mario continues to say looking at me.

„What's wrong? Marco, we just started. Stand up" Thomas says seriously.

„He can't stand up. He broke his little finger" Mario says trying not to laugh. Thomas looked at me whitout knowing what to believe but when he saw that I wasn't smiling he just started to laugh.

„You two are such good friends. I don't know what I would do without you. Oh look, your laugh fixed my BROKEN finger!" I shout making them laugh even harder.

Without accepting their help, I stood up and went to see the staff. Their diagnosis was clear. I couldn't help the national team so I had to go back in Dortmund.

Dortmund airport

The airport was full of people and I wasn't surprised when some fans started to say my name making me stop and signing their T-shirts. While I was signing the last one, I saw a familiar face heading to the gates. She was caring a small suitcase and she was dressed with a pair of dark jeans and a hoodie. She was speaking at the phone and she looked kind of pissed. I apologized to the fans and went straight to her. When I got closer she was just finishing the conversation from which I heard just a few words that made me curious because she was speaking in Russian.

„Увидимся в Санкт-Петербурге" (See you in Saint Peterburg), she says before hanging up.

„Please tell me you are leaving and never coming back" I say making her look at me surprised.

„Look who's here, Mr Little Finger" she says smiling.

„That's so funny, I can't stop laughing." I answer seriously. „Don't tell me you are going to see Putin" I continue saying.

„You're so smart. You know who Putin is? That's incredible. Пошел на хуй Реус." She says trying not to laugh.

„What did you just said" I ask completely confused.

„Just: fuck you Reus" she answers smiling.

„So you just admited that you want to fuck me." I say smirking. „Don't tell me Marcel can't satisfy you or you want a threesome" I say laughing.

„I'd better fuck Stalin than you" she answers seriously. „Now, if you'll excuse me I have a plane to catch. And no, I don't wait to see you again" she says before leaving me spechless.

I shook my head trying to forget about her and her behaviour and I countinued my way out the airport. As I expected, Marcel was outside, waiting for me in the car. I put my bag in the trunk and got in.

„Oh no, Marcel, don't worry, I'm fine" I say seeing that he didn't notice that I was in the car. „Fornell!" I finally shout making him realize I was there.

„What the hell, dude? You scared the shit out of me" he says looking at me.

„It's not my fault that you were thinking about something else. What's wrong with you and put that stupid phone away" I say starting to get pissed.

The Laws of Love | Marco ReusWhere stories live. Discover now