Chapter 21

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Aleksandra's POV

"He did left me but only after killing my baby" I yell before starting to curse. I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't!

"You – You had a child with Sasha" Marco asks after a few seconds of silence.

"Yes, but I never got the chance to see my baby, I never had the chance to hold him in my arms and let him know how much his mommy loves him" I answer trying not to cry. I was never able to talk about this subject, I was always afraid to remember that night.

"Why" he asks afraid of my answer.

"He killed my baby when it was in my tummy, he took him away from me" I finally manage to say before collapsing on the floor and starting to cry. I couldn't understand why I was telling Reus about this, but I just felt I have to. The look on his face when he heard my words was beyond description. He was angry and at the same time sad.

"When did this happen" he asks coming closer to me.

"When we were teenagers" I whisper.

"How did he do it" he asks without realizing what I had to go through while answering his questions.

"He made me drink a poison, I was in horrible pain and I had a miscarriage and then he left. He left not giving a shit if I die or not and I haven't heard of him until now" I cry. "That's why it hurt me so much to see you kiss that girl. I know we don't know each other for a long time, but you are the first man since him that I let myself have feelings for and just like Sasha you ruined it" I say looking into his eyes. He was hurt but not by my words. I think he was hurt because of what Sasha did, he was hurt because he wasn't better than him. Seeing that he wasn't saying anything I tried to stand up and make him forget about my confession, about my problem, but he grabbed my hand and made sure the distance between us was almost inexistent.

"I'm not him, Aleksandra. I'm not Sasha and I'll never be and you know why? Because I won't hurt you again, I won't leave you, I can't leave you! I love you, Aleksandra Petrova! I love you and I know maybe you won't believe me, but I do. I don't want to lose you, never" he whispers with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry for what I did, I was desperate at the thought of you not caring about me, but give me a chance, give me a chance to heal you, give me the chance to love you and to make you love me too" he begs while looking into my eyes.

"Kiss me" I say with tears streaming down my face. And he did. He kissed me and in that moment I didn't care about the past, I didn't care what he did. The only thing that mattered was that he was here with me, crying with me and making sure I knew how much he cared about me.

"So, you forgive me" he asks after we ended the kiss.

"I forgive you, my dumb woodpecker" I giggle while he was wiping away some of my tears.

"I love you, my evil witch" he says smiling. "Don't. Don't try to say it too. I want to be sure you're feeling it when you say those words. And I'm gonna make you feel it, I promise" he says seeing that I was trying to say that I love him too. I did care about him, but I don't think I'm ready to say those words.

"I need to go and see if I have lost my client or not" I giggle while standing up.

"If she says he doesn't want you anymore, then you don't need her. She doesn't know what she's losing" he says standing up too.

"I'll be right back" I say to him before getting out of my office. The other office in which Elise took that lady wasn't far from mine and in no time I was already apologizing to her for my behavior.

"Don't worry, darling. I was young too and I know how stupid men can be sometimes. They would practically die without us" the woman says making me smile.

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