Chapter 42

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Aleksandra's POV

"Wake up, your majesty" I hear someone command me while the same person snapped me. Surprised, I opened my eyes not knowing what to expect. It took me a few seconds to realize what was happening. Seeing Alyona's face made me feel sick to the stomach. It didn't surprise me that she was working with Katerina, somehow I knew it. In fact, Alyona promised she will punish me for the way I humiliated her weeks ago. But I never imagined that she will hurt Elise because of this.

"Look who's here" I whispered. "What happened, Alyona? You realized you won't be able to beat me on your own so you decided to become Katerina's slave."

"I'm not her slave, we are partners" she quickly says making me laugh.

"Stupid girl" I say laughing. "Does Katerina know about this or it's all just inside your little brain" I rhetorically ask.

"You shouldn't talk like this to me, Aleksandra, don't forget that we still have your friend and believe me she will be the one who's going to suffer for every single word you say from now on" she threatens me.

"You're pathetic, Alyona! If you are as powerful as you say you should fight me, but no, you're too scared to face me" I tell her wanting to make her feel the same anger as me. "You are good for nothing and I'm sure that once Katerina won't need your help anymore you're going to die. Well, unless I catch you first. And I'll make you pay for every single thing you did to me and my friends" I continue to threaten her happy to see that she was starting to fear me.

"You won't do that because there's no way you will leave this place alive. I'm going to enjoy so bad to watch you getting killed by -" Alyona starts to say, but she got interrupted by Katerina who decided to delight me with her presence.

"Katerina, please tell her that I'm your partner and that you're not going to kill me after all this is over" Alyona starts to cry making me look at her with disgust. She was acting like a little child.

"Shut the fuck up, Alyona" Katerina answers making her 'partner' shiver.

"Just like I said, you're pathetic" I whisper to Alyona one more time. I smiled when I saw her leaving the room we were into. "Thanks for coming, Katerina. At least when I'm talking to you my IQ doesn't drop."

"Keep those commentaries to yourself" Katerina says without laughing. But it was funny, right?

"Enlighten me, how comes I'm not tied up or locked in a cell somewhere. Don't tell me you're not afraid of me" I ask pretending to be shocked. I was swinging on the chair waiting for her answer. I have to admit that when I opened my eyes I was expecting to see myself tied up in a way I haven't seen before. But Katerina left me free without worrying I could escape.

"It won't be necessary, darling. You're not going to be alive for long" she answers proud.

"Why? Why are you doing this? I thought you cared about me. I cared about you, I loved you like you were my mother" I suddenly ask. I wanted answers. I wanted to understand why is so hard for someone to love me.

"There was a time in which I started to feel something for you, when you grew up and somehow you stopped looking exactly like your mother. Seeing you every day, spending time with you instead of my daughter ended all those feelings" Katerina starts to say. "I was forced to raise you because your stupid mother died. I could only see my own daughter once a month and then only for an hour and you're guilty for this!"

"It's not my fault that my mother died, it's not my fault that Dimitri was a horrible man and father" I quickly say wanting to stop her talking bad about my mother.

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