Chapter 2: Wake Up!

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-Claireece P.O.V-

"Mornin Clairs" Adrian said shaking me awake from my sleep.

"Let me be Adrian!" I murmured pulling the blanket to my face.

"I can't. Yesterday you promised to get some coffee from that coffee place a couple blocks away from here." he replied still shaking me.

"I'll do it later" I groaned. We just got here last night and I'm really tired.

"Get up Claireece!! I want coffee!!" he growled pulling the blanket off of me.

"Hey!! Give it back!" I yelled sitting up.

"No! Get up!!" he yelled back.



"Ughhh!!!" I groaned falling back on my bed. He just laughed at me.

"Get up!" he demanded pulling on my foot.

"Fine!" I yelled.

I got up and pointed to the door directing him to get out. He laughed and left. I went to my bathroom and started to take a shower.
I stripped off my cloth and stepped in the shower. I let the water fall on my body while I stood there. After a couple minutes of standing there I picked up my shampoo and rinsed my hair and washed my body with my favorite chocolate and berry body wash.

After I finished washing off I dried up and went to my room. I walked to my dresser picked out some underwear and put them on.
Then I walked to my closet and picked out a blank tank top, dark blue jeans, and a pair of black converse.
When I got dressed I pulled my hair up on a messy ponytail and walked to the kitchen just to finf my brother reading a newspaper.

"Took you long enough" he said getting up from the couch.

"Shut up. Lets go before I change my mind" I sassed walkimg out the front door.

I walked out while he followed behind me. I walked towards his dark blue Camaro and stood next to it waiting for him to unlock the car. When he did I opened the door and sat down. He got in right after I sat down. I felt him look his gaze at me. I turned to face him and I saw him smile at me.

"What?" I sassed.

"Nothing. Just that you've grown up so fast little C" he replied. Little C. I haven't heard him say that in a while. I rolled my eyes and looked at the windshield of the car.

"Just drive" I said punching his shoulder slightly. I took out my phone and started to play a game... I know what your thinking, what is a 16 year old playing in her phone. Well lets just say I'm not as mature as you think I am.


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