Chapter 11: News

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--Claireece's P.O.V--

"OMG!! Claires you such a bad girl!!" Vicky yelled bouncing like a five year old. I chuckled and shrugged.
I slammed shut my locker and turned around.

"Your so crazy!! I don't know whether to be ok with it or freak out" she added. Apparently David already told them about the bump in with the Alpha.

"Well... Be neither" I said while walking down the hallway. The day is almost over and all I want to do is lay in my bed and go to sleep.

"Claireece!!" I turned around to the person who called me and I saw Kathy running towards me with a smile plastering her face. I smiled and waved.

"Hey" I replied.

"So I heard about you and Alpha Ray" she said walking with Vicky and I. So thats his name. It suits him.

"Cool" I said sarcastically. She looked at me with a blank face that caused me to laugh.

"You know... You are some bad ass chick for a rouge. Not even I would stand up to him like that... And I'm in his pack!" Kathy said waving her hands in the air. I chuckled and shrugged. We walked outside the door and met walked with Vicky and Kathy towards the parking lot. I saw Keith, David and Zach leaning on a car. We walked towards them. They saw us and they smiled.

"Hey girls!!" Zach yelled excitedly.

"Hey guys!!" Kathy yelled back.

"Omg!! Claireece!!" Keith yelled running towards me.

"Umm.. Hey" I replied.

"I heard about you and Alpha Ray" Keith said opening his hands to hug me. But I stopped him by putting a hand on his chest and pushing him away. He looked at me confused.

"If I hear that name or the freaking bump in with that.. Dude, I swear I will rip your tongue out. They all looked at me blankly.

"Alpha Ray" Zach said mockingly. I growled and stomped my way toward him. He stepped back a couple times before saying anything.

"Ok! Ok! I'm sorry" he yelled. I heard Keith, David, Vicky and Kathy laughing from behind us. I smiled in satisfaction for my victory and turned to the others.

"So you coming with us?" David asked.

"Where?" I asked.

"Starbucks. We go to Starbucks almost everyday after school to hang out" he replied.

"Uhh... I don't know" I said.

"Oh come on Claire it will be fun!" Kathy yelled. I mean I had plans with Adrian, but I know he'll either be late or will be at work.

"I really can't. I made plans with Adrian" I said. They all stared at me a leaned in towards me. What the hell?

"Ughh cancel it!!" Zach said putting a hand over my shoulder.

"No" I said elbowing his side. He just stood there. I know it hurt him though because he flenched.

"Why not!!" David whined.

"Because I have plans" I replied.

"Ughhh fine!!" Keith yelled.

"Sooo..." Kathy started.

"Who's Adrian" Vicky asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Is he your baby daddy" Kathy added in a seductive tone.

"Eww gross no!!" I yelled. They all laughed.

"He's my brother!! Gross!!" I yelled. They laughed even harder.

"Sorry" Zach said laughing loudly.

"Claires!!" A very familiar voice said from behind me. I turned around and smiled.

"Heyy Lila" I yelled. She ran towards me and hugged me.

"Whoa" I said nearly falling when she jumped on me and hugged me tightly.

"Are you ok?" she asked and got off me. I chuckled.

"Umm.. Yea why wouldn't I be?" I asked confused.

"I heard about what happen between you and my brother. I'm really sorry Claireece. He's a jerk" She replied.

"Your brother?? Who's your brother?" I asked again. She just keeps confusing me.

"Raymond. Alpha Ray" she replied.

"Oh" I said. Really Claireece? Really? Oh is all you say? I'm so stupid.

"Yea" she replied.

"Why are you saying sorry though?" I asked. I mean she had nothing to do with it. It was her brother.

"Because... Well, he's my brother. And he did something stupid. And we are related" she replied. I just gave her a confused look.

"That made no sense" It really didn't. I don't know why siblings think that they have some sort of part in each others actions. Maybe they do. But if one says something the other has no fault in what they said. Do you get what I mean?

"Problably. But still. I thought you might hate me sense I'm related to him" she replied.

"I don't see the logic of hating you for being someone's sibling. It makes no sense what so ever" I stated.

"Yea I guess" she shrugged. "Does that mean you don't hate me" she asked excitedly.

"No" I said chuckling. She smiled and jumped on me again hugging me really tight.

"So does that mean you don't hate us either?" David said. I turned to them and saw them making puppy faces. I bursted out laughing.

"No sweethearts. I don't hate you guys" I managed to say while laughing. They all jumped and hugged me. I laughed even harder.

Author's Note:

So I haven't posted lately. I'm really sorry. School has me caught up in alot of things. And my weekends are pretty much busy and taken up by reunions and going out places and stuff. If I had more time to post I would. I appreciate anyone who has read my story. Thanks so so much. Hope you guys like it!! Enjoy!!

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