Chapter 33: Perfect

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--Claire's P.O.V--

I glared at the redhead and stood up right infront of her. We are about the same height but her heals are just making her look taller.

'This bìtch is gonna die!' Casy growled. She is clawing at me to give her control but I want to be the one to get the honors.

"Did you just slap me?!" I growled loudly. She put one of her hands on her hip and smirked.

"Well it wasn't a cat was it?" she hissed. I smiled at her then punched her square in the noise. She screamed and backed up. She looked at me again and threw herself at me causing me to fall on the ground and her on top of me.

You see, on times like these, I'm so grateful for fluffy carpets.

She started to viciously slap me. I grabbed her hair and turned us around.

"Is that all you got?!?!" I yelled.

"Claireece, calm down get off her!" Adrian yelled. But I didn't listen I kept punching her.

I felt a pair of arms pull me back and sparks were flowing were the hands were placed.

"Let go! Let me at her! Let me at her!" I yelled. I kept moving me hands and kicking my feet in the air, but the more I struggle the harder it is to get loose.

"Calm down." Ray whispered in my ear causing me shiver.

I looked up to see that Adrian was holding the redhead back. She was bleeding on her nose and her lip was slightly cut. I smirked proudly at the masterpiece I caused. Note the sarcasm.


I heard a knock on the door before Ray popped his head into view. He smiled at me and I laughed.

"You look creepy." I stated. He walked in and shrugged.

"Thanks, princess." he winked. "Are you ok?"

"Yea, I just have a cut lip. Her nails are like knifes." I replied and he chuckled.

"True. I'm glad your ok though." he sat down next to me. "I'm sorry that she did that. I should've stopped it before it happened. But I found it very attractive when you got pissed. I couldn't stop starring at your àss."

I burst out laughing. "What?"

"I mean when you got up your àss was kinda in my face and it distracted me." he shrugged. "It took all of my self control to not fúck the living daylights out of you, trust me." he chuckled. I looked at him blankly then burst out laughing.

"Interesting vocabulary." I say teasingly.

He shrugs. "Don't tell my mother though, she'd kill me."

I laugh even harder.


I look at him to find that he's already starring. We make eye contact and I can't help the smile grow on my face. He tucks a piece of my damp hair behind my ear and smiles.

"Your very beautiful..." he whispers and leans in. My heart is practically banging in my chest. Wouldn't suprise me if he heard it.

"Your so, so perfect.." he looks at my lips. "Your lips are perfect," his thumb slightly touches my bottom lip. "Your eyes," he looks into my eyes. "Just the thought of you is perfect." he says before crashing his lips on mine.

Let me get this out before anyone asks anything... Adrian and I are staying at the pack house for a while since my father found us. We were going back to the apartment to get some cloths, BUT Adrian said it was to late. So instead, Ray let Adrian borrow some pjs and gave him a pack of new boxer briefs, he insisted that I wear one of his shirts. So I did and Lila let me use one of her pj shorts and she gave me a pack of new panties. The cute thing is they were boy short panties.

<Claire on top>

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