Chapter 17: Beach Encounter

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--Claireece's P.O.V--

"OMG!!! Come on!!" Kathy yelled taking her cloth off then running to the water. Vicky followed behind.

"Well see ya- wait for me girls!" David yelled running behind them.

"You guys coming?!" Keith asked while taking his shirt off.

"Yep" Zach replied. "What about you two fine ladies" he asked turning to us.

"Nahh I'm going to take the stuff out" Lila said.

"Me too.. Imma help her" I added. The boys nodded and left running towards the water. Lila and I picked up what the guys' shirts and put them in the car... At least Kathy and Vicky were clean enough to put their stuff away.

After finding our spot and setting everything down Lila and I started to take of our cloth leaving us in bathing suits. I felt so insecure for having so little cloth on.

"I'm going in the water.. You coming?" Lila asked.

"Nahh.. I'll stay here a while and watch the stuff" I replied.

"Nobody is going to take the stuff, Claire" Lila chuckled. I shrugged and sat on the sand. I put on some sun screen, and my sun glasses then laid down on a towell. I decided to listen to music so I took out my phone and connected headphones in. I put on a song then layed the phone beside me.

I've never seen a diamond in the flesh
I cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies
And I'm not proud of my address, in the torn up town
No post code envy

But every song's like gold teeth, Gold Goose, singin' in the bathroom
Grass stains, ball gowns, trashin' the hotel room
We don't care, we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams
But everybody's like gold ring, Maybach, diamonds on your timepiece.
Jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash
We don't care, we aren't caught up in your love affair...

I hummed along following the song's rythmn.

Suddenly I felt cold hands on my waist pull me up and I'm being swung over a shoulder my phone fell next to the towell... Hopefully it didn't break.

"Hey!" I yelled. My shades fell off and the Sun's brightness hit me hard.

"Put me down!! Now!!" I yelled. The man that is carrying me chuckled. I bit the man's shoulder causing him to whimper.

"What the fudge?!?!" The man yelled. Zach?

"Zach?!" I asked.

"The one and only" he relied.

"Put me down Zach!" I yelled.

"You sure?" he asked.

"Zach!!!" I screeched.

He started running and I heared water splashes. Scared of opening my eyes I hid my face in my hands.

"Zach! Let go" I giggled. Suddenly I felt a cold splash and I was then thrown into the water. I quickly got up from under water. Thankfully the water only went up to me chest so I could still walk.

"Zach!" I yelled glaring at him.

"You said to let go" he defended.


"I-its f-reezing c-cold" I stuttered.

"David can you get us something hot please" Lila asked. David nodded and left running to get something hot.

"Is he stalking us?" Vicky asked looking past me.

"Who?" Lila asked.

"Your brother" she replied. I turned around to see Raymond..... Shirtless. Holy shiz he's hot! He has that good tan that made his muscles stand out more. He is soo- Stop! Claireece! Stop!

"Probably or he might of just wanted to have fun... Like us" I stated.

"Sure.. First we see them at Starbucks then here" Keith scoffed.

"Coincident?" I said but sounded more like a question.

"Well its the biggest coincidence that I've ever seen. I think he is a stalker" Kathy stated.

"Whatever.. I'm gonna pee. Be right back" I said getting up.

"But there is an ocean over there.. Go pee in the water" Zach chuckled.

"Eww noo" I replied.


On my way to the bathroom I nearly tripped with my own feet three times! But luckily I got here complete. Though these stalls are really fancy to be a beach bathroom. They are surprisingly clean.
I flushed the toilet and washed my hands. I walked out of the fancy bathroom and then bumped into someone on my way out. I nearly fell but a hand grabbed my waist preventing me to do so. I felt shocks and fireworks explode from the touch.

"Oops! Sorry!" I yelled taking a step back. I looked up to see a shirtless Ray.

"Don't apologize.. It was my fault" he chuckled. I nodded and smiled a bit to be nice.

"I'm sorry about the other day. But let me introduce myself properly.. I'm Raymond but you can call me Ray" he said taking his hand out to shake mine.

"Claireece you can call me Claire though" I replied shaking his hand.

"Nice meeting you" he said smiling.

"You too" I replied. "I gotta go though. See ya" I said walking past him.

That was weird. First he is all pissed cause I bumped into his chest and now he is acting nice. Is he bipolar or something?

^Raymond on the top>

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