Chapter 29: Left Behind

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Two weeks later...

--Claire's P.O.V--

"Ok ok! I'll go!" Ray laughed with his hands up in surrender. I nodded in approval and put my fork down. We are currently sitting at the lunch table with Lila, Kathy, Vicky, Zach, Keith and David. Ray joined us just a while ago and apparently they seemed to get along just fine. I'd thought Keith, Zach and David hated them for some reason but they really don't. Ray started to sit with us since last week. I don't know why though.

"What time are we going to go. And can I invite my friends?" Ray asked. We are planning on going to the movies. Ray didn't want to go but I threatened to stab him with my fork.

"Depends on who." Lila asked. "Cause you better not plan on bringing Helen." she added. Its obvious she doesn't like this girl Helen.

"No, why would I?" he asked.

"Then who?"

"Anthony and Hanna." he replied. I couldn't help but feel jealous when he said Hanna. Who is she?

"Ok then."

"How about we go friday at 5:30?" Vicky asked.

"Yes!" Everyone agreed. The bell rung and we all got up. I grabbed my stuff and started to walk to class.

"I'll walk you to class." Ray said. He put his hand around my shoulder.

"Ok." I replied.

"So. You want to get some cheetos after school?" he asked.

"Cheetos?" I laughed.

"Yea. I've been craving them for a while now." he shrugged.

"I have alot to study tonight. I have a test tomorrow and I can't fail it." I replied.

"I thought you didn't like school."

"I don't but it doesn't mean that I don't care."

"Good point. But how about we get some cheetos then we can go to your place and study." he replied.

"It's a date."


"So if I add the 6 to this number, will that give me the right answer?" I ask Ken. We have to work in partners and to my luck... I got paired with the nerd.

"Well yea but you have to divide it by 3." he replied.


He chuckled. "Yea. Don't worry.. You're doing great though. For someone who's popular, you're doing great."

"What do you mean for someone that is popular?"

"I don't mean to offend anyone but, honestly.. Popular kids aren't the smartest."

"What makes you think I'M popular?"

"I saw you hanging out with Raymond Stone. And I figured you were either his friend or one of his side hoes." he said with a shrug. This bitch.

"Excuse me? Are you human?" If this guy is a werewolf he better run. I will cut him.

"What do you mean am I human? Of course I am.. I can't be an alien."

"Listen kid. Do not EVER and I mean EVER call me hoe."

"I said friend OR side hoe." This boy has a death wish.

"Say it again and I'll make sure that pencil is shoved up so far up your ass you'll be able to see unicorns in daylights." I swear his eyes were the size of the moon.

"I'm sorry. It was just a thought."

"A stupid thought." I mumbled under my breathe. I got up and walked to the teacher.

"May I use the restroom?" I asked. She nodded then gave me a pass. I walked out if the classroom. I slowly made my way to the bathroom and walked in. Nobody was in there. I walked in one of the stalls and did my business. I heard th doir opened so I figured it was a random girl. I flushed the toilet and walked out. I washed my hands and when I turned around I regretted it.

"E-Ethan?" I stuttered. I thought he was dead. They found us. Shit I have to warn Adrian.

"Long time baby doll." he winked.

"What? How?"

"Well. You see, when your daddy caught me, he let me live. Offered me something much more better than freedom, better than love." he replied walking closer to me. I backed up a few steps.

"Don't do this Ethan. You know what they would do to us if they turn get us."

He chuckled. "You left me, Claireece. You both did."

"We didn't want to! You fell and they had already caught up and you told us to keep going! Plus, how can an 11 year old kid do to a full grown man?!?!" I yelled. He chuckled and shook his head.

"You shouldn't have left me!" he lunged himself at me but missed. I ran out the bathroom. I heard his steps behind me so I quickened my pace. I ran as fast as I could. I turned a corner and spotted a janitors closet. I ran to it and went inside. I turned around and froze.

"Claire?!" Ray asked. I frowned and looked between him and a red head girl.

"Do you mind?!" the girl yelled. I rolled my eyes.

"No I don't. Now shut up!" I replied and pressed my ear against the door.

'Kill the bitch!!!' Casy growled. Is my heart broken? Yes. Is it because of this reddie? Maybe. Am I jealous? Totally. But right now I can't think about that, I have to hide from Ethan.

"Claire I can explain..."

"Save it for later, Ray. I have other things to worry about right now." I'm not mad I'm just jealous and bothered. But let me tell you that Cast could rip that girl in half right now.

"Claireece! I can smell you. Come out!" I heard Ethan yell. I held in my breathe. As if that will help.

Then the door swung open.

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