Chapter 20: Late Pt. 2

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--Claireece P.O.V--

"Your late Miss. Feilds." Mr. Dale(AKA.. Mr. Dickwad) stated. No shít Sherlock.

"Yea sorry Mr. Dick- er.. umm.. I mean Mr. Dale" I reply causing others to laugh. He glared at me and motioned me to come to his desk. I walked over to him and stopped right infront.

"Yes?" I ask innocently. He took out a piece of paper and wrote something down. When he finished he gave it to me and smiled at me. But it's not that happy/nice smile you give someone daily, it's more of that 'take-that-bitch' type of smile.

"Detention." he said smiling. Again not a nice smile. I mentally groaned but smiled back. I turned around and sat in my seat. Lila was sitting their.. Like always.

"Where were you?" she whispered.

"Out." I reply.

*After School*

"Hey Claire." I turned away to see Johny walking up to me.

"Hey John." I reply closing my locker and turn to him to give him a hug.

"Ready to go?" he asked. Oh shít! The coffee.

"Sorry I can't today Johns. I have detention with Mr. Dickwad today." I reply.

"Mr. Who?" he chuckled.

"Oh, um.. I mean Mr. Dale." I correct myself.

"That's my dad." he said full on serious now. My jaw fell open.

"I.. Uhm... I am so sorry.. I didn't-" he burst out laughing while I stood their completely lost.

"I was fûcking with you, Claire." he said between chuckles. I punched his shoulder playfully and rolled my eyes.

"Jerk." I laugh out.

"Alright well.. I guess we can go some other time then?" he asked.

"Yea, how about tomorrow?" I suggest.

"Alright tomorrow it is." he agreed.

"Ok then. See you later." I give him a hug and walk to detention. I walk through the almost empty hallway and to detention.


"Good, you came." Mr. Dale said. I shrugged, gave him my detention pass and sat down at one of the seats next to the window. I took my phone out with my headphones and connected them. I looked through my playlist for a good song. Finally after what felt like forever I picked one. Young Blood by Bea Miller. You might not like it, but I love this song!

We've got young blood
Can't destroy us
We make our own luck in this world
We've got young blood
No one chose us
We make our own love in this world....

I hummed softly to the beat of the song..

And the voices will get loud
If you never learn to shut them out
If you're lost you can be found
If you follow me until you hear the sound
Put 'em up, put 'em up now
If you know we're never backing down
We're never backing down, no...

I suddenly felt a tingly sensation and I felt Casy run in circles excitedly.

'Casy quit it your making me dizzy'. I growl at her but she doesn't stop. I felt a presence next to me so I took my headphones out of my ear and look next to me. And there he is. Sitting there with his million dollar smirk. "Alpha" Ray.

Oh god..

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