Chapter 40: Wait

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--Adrian's P.O.V--

Where am I? What the fuck is that noise?!?!

Where's Claire!?

I groan out and move my hand but it's restrained.

I hear voices arguing. I open my eyes but close them again due to the blinding light.

"He's waking up, hush!" One of the voices whisper.

"You're the only one talking, jackass!" Another says.

"Both of you just shut the fuck up already!" Another says.

I open my eyes and blink rapidly and sit up.

"You look stupid blinking like that." Some one from beside me says. I open my eyes to see Raymond. I look around and see Lila, Vicky, Zach and Anthony.

"Where is Claireece?" I ask attempting to sit up.

"She's resting." Vicky said smiling at me.

"She wouldn't leave your side and she stopped eating and sleeping." Lila added.

"So I sent her to her room and told her I'd advise her if you woke up." Raymond stated.

Okay now I just feel guilty.

"Oh." I managed to say.

"We're having ceremony for you guys. And I wanted you to be ny third in command, if you'd like?" Raymond said with a smile.

"I don't know-"

"Just think about it please." Lila interrupted and I nodded.

"When did you say this ceremony is?" I asked.

"Tomorrow evening, why?" Raymond responded.

"I would like to surprise my little sister." I stated and they nodded.

"What you mean?" Zach asked.

"Don't tell her I'm awake, don't even let her come in here. I want to surprise her."

"So how do you plan on doing that?" Lila asked.

"That's what I want you guys to figure out." I replied looking at each and everyone of them.

"Well we are having a ceremony." Anthony points out.

"Maybe you can surprise her there. Just walk in or I don't know." Vicky shrugs. I think about it for a minute.

"Ok, this is what we'll do," I start and sit up a little.

Maybe I did say I will publish sooner but I didn't know what to do or write so hopefully this is ok.

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