Chapter 38: Adrian

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--Claire's P.O.V--

It's been more than a week. More than a fucking week! Adrian has not waken up and it's seriously making me stressed out. He's a werewolf for crist sakes! He's suppose to be awake by now.

I haven't gotten any sleep at all and all I seem to think about his him. I can't seem to bring myself to talk to anyone anymore. I've been ignoring everyone and making sure I keep my distance from every single person.

I miss my brother. The one who always seemed to be there for me. Who protected me. Who cared for me.

He has done everything I've need and more. I can not loose him now.

"Claire?" I hear a familiar feminine voice ask from the doorway of the infirmary. I don't turn around to look at her and instead I keep starring at nothing in particular. "Claire, you need to eat." she whispers softly walking up to me. I shrug. "Please Claire. You haven't eaten since the attack and you and your wolf needs energy." she says softly. I turned to look at her give her a sad smile. I shake my head and look at the ground, tears already blurring my vision.

"I-I can't." I stutter. My voice sounding broken. She seems taken aback at the fact that I talked but quickly recovers and hugs me.

"Listen to me, love," she places a hand on my back and rubs smoothly as I sob into her chest. "he will be alright. You want to know why? Because he is strong and he loves you too much to give up." she says.

"No." I shake my head. "He's practically dead, just like all the others that were killed. No one deserved this! It's my fault. I shouldn't have stayed so long. I caused this attack. They attacked us because of me!" I sob louder.

"Oh honey, no! That is not true. The attack was not your fault. I do not want you putting this on yourself." She hugs me tighter and kisses the top of my head. "No matter what we will stay by your side and fight with you and for you. You are part of this pack just as much as we all are. Adrian will wake up and he will stay strong because of you. We might not know you as much as Adrian or whatever but I know that we love you enough to protect you."

I pull away to look at her. Her beautiful long blonde hair, glowing green eyes, her pale yet somewhat tan soft skin. No matter what she will always be a big part of me. No matter how separated or how close we are, we'll be best friends. Just like the others. But her the one who talked to me. The one who made me feel special during the time I was here. The one made me laugh and feel joyful during the whole time I was here. Lila.

So I guess I am back. Please pardon my absence but I am so back. I think. But I will try to update more constantly now that there is only ONE, week left until school!! Yay!! ONE, UNO, EEN, WAHID, UN; however you say one in other languages. Ughhh I am so happy and excited.

Back to topic. So I am currently making a new story. Yes a new one. And it is not as crappy and shitty as this one. I'm only completing this because I want to have A LOT of works in my profile. I want to be a professional. But yea. I guess that is all, carry on.



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