Chapter 26: Get Dressed

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--Claire's P.O.V--

*saturday afternoon*

"But why can't I just wear this?!" I asked throwing the cloth I had on my hands on the bed.

"Because, it's a date. Not a walk on the park." Lila replied looking through my closet.

"Yes, and even though it's date you still have to dress cute." Vicky squealed.

"Vicky, please be quiet." Kathy said rolling her eyes. I guess telling them was a bad idea. I told them that Ray is my mate and he asked me out. Vicky went all haywire and ran around excitedly and hugged me. Kathy did the same while Lila just smiled at me and gave me a huge hug. She nearly cried. She says that she's happy for me and her brother.

"But I don't want to be cute. I want to wear what I want." I whined.

"Not when its a date you won't." Kathy said. I groaned and threw myself on my bed.

"You have nothing to wear. Kathy, do you think you can let Claire borrow some clothes?" Lila asked Kathy.

"Yes! I totally know what she can wear!" she yelled immediately.

"Lets go." Lila said walking out my room.

*at Kathy's house*

"Yes! Yes! Yes! And yes! Double yes!" Kathy yelled.

"This is the one." Vicky yelled.

"Totally." Lila added.

"I think it looks better on you than me." Kathy said fiddling around with the cardigan she let me use.

"Doubt it." I mumbled.

"Come on Claire. Don't tell me you don't like it." Vicky said.

I turned to look in the mirror and admired the outfit. It's really cute but I don't think it's my style. White ripped jeans with a grey/black strapless shirt that shows my stomach a bit with a black cardigan over it and black flats.

"It's cute." I shrugged. Thankfully I took a bath tis morning. I'm not thinking about taking another one so I can change.

"You look cute." Lila said.

"Let's do your hair and makeup." Kathy squealed.

Wait! What?! No! No make up!" I yelled backing away.

"Yes, now come on!" Lila yelled and grabbed me by the wrist. She pulled me sit on a chair.

"Guys pleas-"

"No Claire. I swear we will duck tape you to that chair and torture you." Lila growled. I immediately shut up.

Lila started to brush my hair and do random stuff to it. When she finished my hair, Vicky started on the make up.

"Please not to much." I whined. They looked at each other but they agreed.


"Done!" Vicky yelled excitedly. She looked at me and smiled widely.

"Oh my gosh!! Claire you look so beautiful!" Kathy yelled hugging me tightly. I laughed and thanked her.

I walked to the mirror. Vicky really did a good job. I look so... Different.

"Vicky I look.. God. You did an awesome job!" I yelled hugging her.

"You're welcome, I know I did good." she winked.

"Hey guys Raymond is going to be here any minute now." Lila said.

"How does he know where we are?" I asked.

"I called him." Lila shrugged. I nodded. She smiled and walked up to me.

"Your so beautiful." Lila said hugging me.

"Thank you. All of you. This is sweet." I said.

"What are friends for?" Vicky smiled.

Suddenly the door bell rung. Kathy squealed. We all looked at her confused.

"Sorry I'm excited for you." she said looking at me. I laughed but nodded. We all ran downstairs and walked to the door.

"Here." Lila said passing me my phone. I grabbed it and smiled.


Vicky opened the door.

"Hi! Come in." she said.

"Thank you." Raymond. He walked inside and smiled at her. He was wearing black jeans, dark grey v neck t-shirt with a leather jacket over it and black high top sneakers. Saying that he looks hot is an understatement, he looks SMEXY!! And he smells good. He looked around and saw me. We mad extreme eye contact.

"Hey." he said. I smiled and walked up to him.

"Hi." I replied.

"Treat her good, Ray. Or we will forget that you are alpha and we will beat your ass." Lila warned. Ray chuckled.

"I'll let you, Li." he replied. She rolled her eyes and turned to me.

"Have fun. And I want the deats." she said. I chuckled and nodded.

"After you milady." he said holding the door.

"Why thank you kind gentlemen." I replied. But before I stepped out the door I felt a slap on my ass followed by a growl. I turned around and saw Lila laughing.

"Don't do that, Li. That was suppose to be me." he growled. I pinched his arm. He jumped and looked at me in surprise.

"That was not suppose to be you. So much for the kind gentlemen compliment." I said mumbling the last part. I walked out the door and towards the drive way. I was surprised to see a black Dodge Ram Rt 2015 instead of the red Audi R8.

"What happened to the Audi?"

"At the workshop. It kinda broke down." he shrugged.

"Why do have expensive cars?" I asked admiring the black truck infront of me.

"Well, I am an Alpha, aren't I?" he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and got in the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked while I put my seatbelt on. Even the inside is beautiful. He turned on the car and looked at me.

"A surprise is never told."

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