Chapter 9: The Bump in

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--Claireece's P.O.V--

"Was not" David said.

"Was too" I replied.

"Was not"

"Was too"




"No! Wait hold up.. Cheater!!" I yelled. He smirked and nodded. We have been arguing during the whole class period. Or atleast since I caught him staring at a girl that was wearing an extremely short dress. She bent down and her underwears were showing. I caught David staring and he said that he was not looking at all.

"David, I saw you staring at her" I said raising my eyebrows. He frowned and looked to the front of the class.

"Shut up Sherlock" he scoffed. I laughed and punched him on the shoulder.

*Bell Rings*

"Finally" David yelled. I laughed when everyone in the class room looked at him. I quickly picked up my stuff and walked towards the door.

"Hold up Claire!" David said while bending down to tie his shoe.

"Ugh.. Hurry!!" I groaned. He finished then ran towards me. He smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll walk you to class since I already need to talk to Zach" he said. I turned to look at him and saw him smiling.

"Why are yo-" I was cut off when I suddenly bumped into something hard that caused me to drop the books I was holding. My fall ended up with me falling straight on my ass.

"Watch were your going pup!" a deep sexy husky voice growled. Apparently with the looks of it the person that I bumped into didn't fall. And "he" is a werewolf too. I could smell it all over him. I looked up to see who I bumped into. I was met with stunning greenish grey eyes and brown and blonde hair. He was stunning.

"Mate!!!" my wolf growled. I ignored her.

"You were the one that was standing in the way" I growled. David grabbed my arm and helped me up. He stared me with a worried look.

"If you watched where your going, you wouldn't had bumped into me in" the mysterious boy replied.

"If you weren't standing in the middle of the hallway in the first place I wouldn't have bumped into you, jerk!" I growled. The other students that were around him gasped. He growled and looked straight into my eyes giving me death glares. Then he took a step towards me. I stepped back.

"You better be careful who you talk to pup. You have no idea who your messing with" he growled. I growled back. This bitch better not think I was going to back out and let him think that he's mighty and crap around me.

"Of course I do... I'm messing with you, assface" His eyes changed from green to gold and from gold to red. This didn't shock me though. I had my suspicions on that he is an Alpha. I sensed his power. Thing is, he doesn't scare me.

"Don't test me mut" he growled loudly. I rolled my eyes.

"Or what" I scoffed. This time he growled louder. I rolled my eyes and walked past him bumping his arm on purpose.

"Are you crazy?!?!" David said walking right by me.

"You seriously have a death wish. He's an Alpha. Do out want to be killed by one or something!?!?" he added. i shrugged and grabbed my things from him.

Sorry for making my chapters short. I mean I feel like I'm making them short. Please let me know if they are. It would help a bunch.

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