Chapter 5: Brotherly Love

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-Claireece's P.O.V-

"Get out!!!" The voice of my angry father boomed the house. I was hiding in the cabinet away from the monster.
"Get out you little amateur bitch! Or I'll force you!" I heard his thunderous foot steps getting closer by the second.
"Father, stop! Please!" My brother yelled loudly trying to make him stop. I heard a very loud thud followed by a whimper.
My dad's loud foot steps stopped infront of the cabinet that I was hiding in. Suddenly the cabinet flew opened and I was grabbed by the wrist tightly and pulled out. He dragged me towards the front door. I looked to the side and saw my mom, laughing. My dad opened the door with so much force he almost broke it. He threw me to the porch and I nearly hit my head.
"Daddy! Daddy! No! Please!" I yelled feeling tears drop like crazy. When I looked up my father, mother and Adrian stood there laughing... at me.
"Your a pathetic disgrace to this family. You should've stayed gone!" they all said taking out a nife. And slowly walked towards me.

I woke up screaming and I felt tears fill me up threatening to fall.
"Claireece?! Are you ok!?!" Adrian rushed in and looked around the room for any threat. He looked at me and his face softened. When I looked at my brother I couldn't control my crying, so I let them fall. Light sobs escaped my lips. Adrian walked up to me and sat down next to me and I layed my head on his shoulder letting my tears take over me.

"Another nightmare?" he asked softly. I nodded.

"Are you ok?" he asked softly. I shrugged.

"Do you want a mocha?" he asked softly. I nodded really quick causing him to chuckle. I smiled and looked at him.

"It was just a nightmare. I'm here ok" he said rubbing my upper back softly. I smiled.

"Thanks" I said hugging him.

"You'll be ok Claire. You'll be just fine" he said hugging me back. I smiled at his confidence over me.

After a while of laying I remembered about school.

"What time is it?" I asked looking up at Adrian.

He looked at my alarm clock then back at me.

"9:15" he replied yawning. I got up so sudden that I caused Adrian to fall.

"Out!!" I yelled running to my bathroom. I made sure I locked the door before I turned on the water, stripped off my cloth and stepped in the bath tub. The warm water felt so good. It felt awesome.

After that long bath I got out and went to my room. I checked if Adrian left before I completely entered and walked to my closet. I took out a pair of matching undergarments. Then I picked out a grey sweatshirt with black shorts and black converses. I put on some light make-up. Just the basic like mascara and lipstick. Then I put my hair up in a messy bun. I walked to my mirror and looked at myself.

'Good job princess' my wolf, Casy, said.

'Casy??? Is that you?' I asked.

'Naaa, I'm a unicorn from Lala land that decided to come and eat butter from the human world' she said sarcastically in a laugh.

'Haha, very funny. But really why didn't you appear before... I haven't talked to you in a long time, I missed you' I stated.

'Yea well sleep is needed for those who try hard' she said heavenily.

'Haha ok.' I replied.

I grabbed my jacket and phone then walked out of my room and towards the kitchen. Adrian was on the couch reading some magazine. I cleared my throat while I made some coffee. He looked up and put the magazine down. I poored some coffee in a cup and put some sugar and milk in it. When I was about to drink some Adrian snatched it out of my hands.

"Hey!!! That was mine" I yelled. He chuckled and shrugged.

"I'll take you to school" he said grabbing the keys and walking toward the door. I walked behind him and when he stopped infront of the door I took the coffee back and smiled.

"I do believe that this belonged to me" I said slowly drinking it. I walked towards the car and got in when I heard the doors unlock. Adrian got in the car and immediately started the engine. He looked at me and smiled.

"What?" I asked taking another sip of the coffee.

"Where is your school stuff?" he asked.

"Uhh, well you don't actually think I'll do anything in class do you?" I said trying to sound badass. He chuckled then reached to the back of the car and gave me a black expensive looking book bag. It was nice. Real nice.

"Where did you get this from?" I asked.

"Somewhere" he replied starting to drive.

"Adrian" I frowned

"Fine I stole it from an old lady" he said sarcastically. I frowned and punched him in the shoulder. He chuckled lightly.

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