Chapter 3: Coffee Shop

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--Claireece's P.O.V--

On our way to the shop we passed a few stores and huge houses. Rich houses. We passed some homeless people. I asked Adrian if we could buy something for the homeless people that we saw. It nearly broke my heart seeing them sit there without food or anything. I've been in that situation and trust me when I say it's not pleasant. He said we can but it took some convincing, but he finally said yes.
We finally got to the Coffee Shop after passing so many houses. I opened the door and got out. Or nearly got out but I was stopped by Adrian. He grabbed my wrist which caused me to sit back on the seat.

"Whats wrong?" I asked. He reached for his pocket and took out his wallet. I rolled my eyes at him.
"Don't. I'll pay". He ignored me and took out a 50 dollar bill from his pocket. We might be kinda poor but we had some money from working.

"Take it" he demanded. I rolled my eyes and tried to get out but he pulled me back. He frowned and growled.
"Take. It". I groaned and took the money. My brother can be whatever he is but he always had a way of making me do what he demands.

I walked in the shop. There wasn't alot of people. I walked toward the cashier and stood there looking at the girl that was standing there with her back facing me. She turned around and she saw me. She smiled really big. Damn why is she so happy? It's creapy.

"Hello. How may I help serve you?" she asked softly. I tried to smile back and be nice.

"Umm.. Yes, can I have... 2 Mochas, medium. And 8 medium normal coffee with milk".

"Sure, coming right up" she said cheerfully.

As I stood there I felt someone stair at me. I turned around and saw a very pretty blond girl stare at me smiling. I smiled back and waved, she waved back.

The cashier lady came back with two of those little plastic cup holders. She smiled at me.

"That will be... $12.50" she said typing whatever on the cashier. I took out my wallet and got a $20.00 bill. I handed it to her and waited for my change.
I caught one of the workers from behind hwr stare at me with hungry eyes. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Lost something?" I sassed. He licked his lips and shook his head.

"Here you go. Thats $7.50" she said handing me the change a receipt. I smiled and thanked her. I picked up the coffees and started to walking towards the door when a man stood infront of me causing me to stop.

"May I help you?" I asked cruely. He stood quietly eyeing my body with a hungry look. I started walking and walked past him but before I could walk out he grabbed my wrist. I looked back and growled.
"Let go" I made it sound threatening. It nust made him look even more hungry. Ugh. Why does he want to bother so early in the morning. I pulled back and walked out the door. I couldn't be more relieved to see my brother. I walked quickly towards the car and gave Adrian one of the plastic cup holders through the window and I opened the door to get in. I sat down and smiled at my brother.
He smiled back but he made a goofy face making me burst out laughing.

"You can get so ugly at times" I said. He laughed and punched my houlder slightly

"Ha! I'm not ugly.... I'm a beauty" I scoffed at his comment. He laughed and started to drive.

(Picture of Adrian on the top/side)

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