Chapter 22: Goodnight

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--Claireece P.O.V--

"How about a date on Saturday?"


"Come on, don't be such a downer."

"No." I said giving him a blank expression. Ray has been bugging me about going out with him and I keep saying no to annoy him. But he is very stubborn.

"Come on, I'll pick you up tomorrow after school." He whined.

"Can't. I have plans for tomorrow." I reply blankly.

"Fine then, how about Friday? Or Saturday?" he asked.

"Maybe... If I don't have any plans."

"Yes!" he air punches the air. " It's a date then." he states. I shrug and take a sip from my cup.

"Don't get your hopes up Mr. Guy." I chuckle. He winks at me then gets up.

"Lets go before your brother kills me." he says. He pulls his arms over his head to stretch letting it show some skin. I swear I drooled a little. He looks so... Manly. In a sexy way though.

"Enjoying the view?" he laughed. I looked at him skeptically. But decided to play along.

"Yea, loving it actually." I winked. His expression turned blank for a moment before he smirked. I could smell how excited he is right now.

"You could see more if you want princess." he winked.

"Maybe next time." I replied catching him off guard. I burst out laughing at his priceless expression.

"Lets go." he said.


"See you Saturday." Ray yelled after me.

"Whatever." I reply. I walk up to my apartment and unlock the door before going in. I decide to take a shower since its only about 7:30. I walk to my room and put my things down before going to the bathroom. I take a long warm shower to cool down.
When I finish rinsing off I turn the faucet and step put of the shower. I wrap a towel around my body and towel fry my hair a little, leaving it a bit damp. I walk to my room and put on a training bra and blue boy short undies. I walk to Adrian's room and grab one of his T-Shirts from his drawer. I always steal his shirts, they are really comfortable. He is like two times bigger than I am so his shirt reaches to my thighs, almost my knees.

Suddenly I heard the door bell ring. I swear that I jumped various feet from the ground.
Who could knock on the door so late. Is it my brother? Nahh. Can't be, he doesn't come until atleast midnight. I grab a bat from the hallway closet and slowly walk towards the door.

I looked through the little hole on the door only to see Raymond. What the word. I opened the door which I instantly regretted. The cold from outside hit me like a thousand bricks sending me shivers all over my body. And the fact that I wasn't wearing pants didn't help.


This is so embarrassing. And with the fact that Ray has a smirk on face and eye raping me did not help at all.

"Missed me already?" I asked.

"Damn princess. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" I laughed at his cheasiness.

"Nope. But it burned like a bitch when I crawled from hell." I smirked. He laughed his glorious laugh.

"Feisty. Your giving me a hard on." he winked.

"Not my problem. What do you want?" I asked.

"You left your phone in my car." he said giving my phone. I gasped and snatched my phone from his hands.

"Dang baby doll, didn't have to snatch." he laughed.

"Would you stop with your cheasy nickname calling." I scoffed. He shook his head.

"Nope. See you girl." he winked and walked away. I rolled my eyes and shut the door making sure to lock it.  I went to room and climbed into bed after putting my phone charging on the nightside. But before I could close my eyes and drift to sleep my phone rang.

Ray-the-Beast: Night princess.. Sweat dreams.

How did he get my numb- ohhhh! That sneaky little cheaseball.

Me: Whatever taco wanker...

I put my phone back on my nightstand and layed back down.

I guess detention isn't always bad.

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