Chapter 6: 1st Day

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--Claireece's P.O.V--

"Be good or I'll bite you" Adrian said sarcastically.

"Ew, whatever" I said gettimg out of the car and pulling down my shorts a bit.

"Why are you wearing those, they are to short and there are many perverts in this school" He said frowning.

"Thats why they are called short shorts. Plus its hot outside, don't think I'm wearing some sweat pants or jeans when its this hot"


"Grow a pair Adrian" I scoffed.

"Already did" I rolled my eyes and picked upmy book bag.

"Bye" I said closing the door.

"Be good!" he yelled.

"No promises!" I yelled back. And with that he drove away.

I watched the car leave then turned around and walked in the school. It was empty, kind of. There were some kids standing at there lockers or in little groups. They watched me pass by them. I took out my phone and did random stuff to try and ignore them. The mayority were wolves, I can tell. I could smell it. And by the looks they gave me, they know that I am too. I walked in the office and saw a lady sitting in the front table. She was inspecting her nail or something.

"Hello" I greeted failing to get her attention. "I'm new, I need a schedule" I added failing again. "Excuse you" I said slamming my hand on the table. I certainly caught her attention.

"What do you think your doing?" she sassed. I looked straight in her eyes.

"I. Need. A. Schedule" I repeated slowly. "Or do I need to slam my hand on the table again for you to hear me?" I sassed.

She scoffed. "Little lady I knew you were there, I just don't feel like listening to your blabbing mouth" she replied.

"Just give me a freaking schedule... Please" I groaned. I tried my best to not let Casy out. The lady hesitantly got up and printed out a paper and handed it to me then typed something in the computer.

"Name" she said

"Claireece Si... Err... Fields" I replied. I'm not suppose to say my real last name. I don't need anyone knowing that I came from one of the strongest packs in the world.




"October 4"

"Happy early birthday" she said sarcastically.

"Thanks" I replied crudely.

"Here is your locker number and combination, your schedule and some school rules and stuff" she said tiredly and handing me some more papers and 5 hard textbooks. I nodded and left.

'She seemed... Cheery' Casy said. I chuckled.

'Yea, guess so' I replied. I walked around looking for the locker. Why is this school so big. Suddenly I bumped into something or someone and fell on the floor with a lound thump.

"Ouch!" I groaned.

"I am so sorry. Are you ok?" A soft female voice said. How the heck did she not fall?

"Yea but if you watched were you were going I'd be better" I replied. Harsh? Yea I know

"Let me help you" she said lifting me up by the arm.

"Umm.. Thanks" I said looking up at her. She is extremely pretty. Her long blonde hair made her green eyes stand out she was extremely pretty. When I stood up she bend down and picked up my fallen books and handed them to me.

"Thank you" I said grabbing them. She smiled and took my schedule.

"We have all morning classes together " she said smiling... To much happiness if you ask me.

"Nice" I replied.

"I'll take you to your locker" she said walking towards a corner I followed her. We stopped at a locker that was on the top. She asked for my combination and I gave it to her. She had a hard time trying to see the numbers on it but she managed. She is short. When she opened it she turned towards me and smiled.

"There you go" she said backing away. I put my books and back bag in the locker then slamned it closed.

"I'm Lila Stone" she said taking her hand out.

"Claireece Fields" I said smiling and shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you. Now lets get to first period" I nodded and followed her to class

School might not be so bad after all.

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