Chapter 37: Hell Broke Loose

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--Claire's P.O.V--

"Claireece!" Lila yelled from behind me. But I wasn't paying attention to her. My attention was on my brother's body laying on the ground with no movement.

I felt my anger pile up like a stack of endless books. I felt my adrenalin pumping through my veins and my heart shatter into itty bitty pieces.

I let out a loud and dangerous growl causing everyone to stop fighting.

Casy is just as pissed as me, maybe more.

I can feel myself starting to shift but I fought against it.

The once sunny day was starting to become darker by the dark clouds that are shifting in the sky.

Everyone was staring at me. But all I thought about was that these people are going to pay.

Thunder started to be heard. And it was loud. Lightening struck and you can hear whimpers of fright. The thunder got louder and louder and the lightening got closer. The lightening struck a nearby tree and next thing you know fire was rising.

A wolf came running at me and I glared at it, never moving a single muscle. When he close I closed my eyes waiting for the impact but it never came. I opened my eyes slowly only to be met with the familiar bright hazel eyes. His wolf is big with beautiful dark brown fur and light brown highlights.

He shifted to his human form, leaving him bare and slowly walked up to me.

"C-Claire," he stuttered. "Princess, calm down." he says softly. "Princess. Everything will be ok. I need you to calm down. Please. For me." he adds and stands right infront of me. His tall figure hovering over my short one.

"Claireece. Princess. I-I love you." he whispers. I look up at him. I feel myself calm down as I look into his caring eyes. "I love you more than anything."

"I... I love you too Raymond." I whisper. He smiles and leans down to kiss me. When we pull back all the clouds were gone and all the trespassers were being chained up. Suddenly looking back at my brother's unconscious state.

"Adrian!" I yell and run towards where he was. I kneeled beside him and cupped his face and layed his head on my lap. "Adrian!" I cried. I felt tears fall down my cheeks at an uncontrollable rate. "Adrian! Please you can't leave me! You're all I have left!" I cry in his chest. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Raymond, Lila and everyone else.

"You have to help him! He can't leave me! Please!" I beg. They all look at me sadly. "Adrian, I love you! Please!" I sob hitting his chest then place my forehead on his. My tears falling on his face as I cry my heart out. My brother is all I have left. He can not leave me.


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