Chapter 15: Starbucks...Ray P.O.V

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--Raymond's(Ray) P.O.V--

"Hey baby" Helen said kissing my neck.

"Hi" I replied uninterested. I turned around and stepped away from her.

"Whats wrong baby? You seem pretty down." she said trying to get closer. Key word, tried.

"I'm fine" I lied. I haven't been fine for the past few days. I can't stop thinking about her. Her perfect brown hair and perfect shiny grey eyes. She is just simply.... perfect.

"Baby tell me whats wrong. I don't like seeing you like this. Want me to make you feel better?" she asked winking at me and walking towards me seductively. I scoffed and walked away. This is so not normal of me. I am so going to be questioned later, maybe interviewed. I'm known as THE player, the one who always has sex, ALWAYS. But in reality I don't ALWAYS have sex. Maybe 6 times a week. Depends on who it is and when it is.
I started to walk to my room when Anthony ran up to me.

"Hey man want to go to Starbucks with us?" he asked.

"Who is us?" I asked him.

"Well Tyler, Hanna, Jessie, McKenna, Helen, and me" he replied smiling. I rolled my eyes when he said Helen. Helen might be good for some things but she is a total freak. She is annoying and extremely difficult to handle.

"Sure why not" I said. Well its better than to do nothing.


"Hurry up!" I yelled at the guys while starting to walk to my car.

"I'm coming" Helen yelled running towards the car. She was wearing really short booty shorts and a short sleeved top. God she couldn't dress even more sluttier can she? I mean yea I get that we are going to the beach and it's hot but it's really not that hot. She stopped right in front of me and stood up really straight to make her ass and boobs look bigger. I swear if she keeps trying she will break her back. But in response I just rolled my eyes and got in the car. I'm driving, obviously, while Anthony sat beside me, Helen and Jessie in the back while Hanna, Tyler and Mckenna went in the other car.
I drove out of the parking lot while Tyler drove behind us.

"Babe can I sit beside you in the front" Helen asked.

"No" I replied.

"Why not?" she whined.

"Because Anthony is sitting there" I said.

"So? We can switch" she protested.

"No" I simply said.

"But ba-" She started but I turned on the radio and turned it up loud enough to not hear her.


"We are here" Helen screeched. No shit Sherlock.

"I noticed" Jessie replied. We got out of the car and walked towards the entrance to Starbucks. I opened the door and the most delicious smell of strawberry and chocolate mixed with a hint of vanilla hit me like a thousand trucks. It smelled awesome. And in that instant I knew who it was.

"Mine" Alex growled. "Go to her! Now!" he growled again. I rolled my eyes trying to not do what he tells me to do but it takes me everything not to. We walked to the line of very little customers. While Anthony told the lady what we wanted my eyes roamed the shop until I spotted Lila and her friends. They were looking at us. My eyes met my mate's beautiful grey eyes. She looked stunning in the beanie she was wearing. We stared in each others eyes for a while. But one of them said something that caused her to look away. I stared at her for a while but I felt someone tug on my shirt. I turned to see Hanna. She looked at me and smiled I returned the smile. Out of all the friends I had, Hanna has to be the only non-slutty, rude one. Hanna is a sweet person. I think Hanna might be the only non-slutty girl that I hang out with. Yea well that might make me sound like an asshole but its true.

"You like her don't you?" she said smiling. I shrugged and turned to look back at her. The boy called Zach said something that made her burst out laughing. She has a beautiful laugh. Its perfect. They all got up and started to walk towards the exit. Part of me wanted to go after her but I couldn't. Out of the blue Zach threw his arm around Lila's and my mate's shoulder. That made me extremely mad. I just wanted to rip his head off. He is touching my mate!! She told him something in the ear that made him turn towards me. He looked at me and shrugged.

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