Chapter 30: Ethan

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Ethan on the top or side.

--Claire's P.O.V--

"Well, well, well." Ethan said stalking towards me.

"Claireece who is this guy?" Ray asked in a threatening tone. He's pissed.


"Don't. Claireece. Just Don't. Save your shit for your dad." Ethan growled. He walked closer to me and grabbed my wrist. He pulled me out and I struggled to get away. Then we heard a loud growl.

"Let. Her. Go!" Ray growled. Ethan looked at him then me and laughed.

"Let me guess. He's your mate?" Ethan laughed even harder. I took this opportunity and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. Then I ran.

"Come on!" I yelled at Ray. We ran down the hallway. We spotted the bathroom and ran on there. We ran inside then locked the door. I turned around and saw the same red head from the janitors closet.

"Who are you?" I hissed.

"Helen. Who are you?" I looked at Ray with raised eyebrow.

"That's Helen?" He looked at me and nodded.

"Whatever. I have to call Adrian." I said taking out my phone and dialing in Adrian's number.

"Claireece. Who is Ethan?" Ray asked. I lift a finger indicating him to shush and put the phone on my ear.




"Claire? What's wrong?" he asked sounding concerned. Wouldn't blame him though. I barely call him.

"Ethan. He's alive and, well, you know who sent him." I replied. I heard him growl.

"Where are you?!"

"At school. In the bathroom. I ran from him and there is no doubt that he'll find me in here."

"I'll be there in five minutes! Don't do anything stupid!"

"I won't. Hurry!" I yelled and hung up.

"Claireece what is going on?!" Ray asked.

"They found us. We need to get out of here." I replied.

"Who is us?"

"My brother and I."

"Wha-" he was cut off by the sound of banging on the other side of the door.

"Claireece open the door!" Ethan yelled. Are people this retarded. Who is going to open the door to someone that is trying to kidnap you just because they say so. Thats like trying to get passed a lion without getting chased or eaten.

"We have to think of something and fast." I say pacing around the bathroom.

"Why can't I just tackle him or something. I'll beat his ass." Ray growled. I swear his ego is bigger than Texas its self.

"You don't know Ethan.. He isn't.. Normal." it's true.. He isn't. He's like Adrian and I. But stronger.
Then all of a sudden the door broke open. Ethan growled and stalked towards me. Shit!!
Then Ray stood infront of me. He let out a thunderous growl that sent chills all over my body. Is it wrong that I am turned on by this? Ethan threw a punch at Ray but Ray dodged it and punched Ethan on the rib cage. Ethan groaned but quickly recovered and punched Ray in the jaw. Well, there goes his perfect jaw.
Ray growled and punched Ethan on the nose. I swear I heard a crack.
Then Ethan did something I didn't expect him to do. His hands turned on fire. Yes, fire.
Ray looked shocked. He looked like he saw a ghost. And his looks priceless. If it wasn't for the situation I would have taken a picture. I ran towards Ray and stepped in front of him.

"I don't care how much your dad wants you! Your better off dead either way!" Ethan growled. He lifted his hands to aim at us. Ray pulled me behind him and glared at Ethan. Ethan smirked and fired at us. I grabbed Ray's arm and pulled him behind me. I closed my eyes ready for the impact. But it never came. I slowly opened my eyes to find Ethan soaked in water and Adrian grabbing his neck.

"I don't think that it was a good idea for you to threaten my sister." Adrian growled. Ethan looked like he pooped himself. He was always scared of Adrian but he tried to hide it.

"Your dad will find you! He always gets what he wants. And you know that!" Ethan laughed.

"No doubt he will. But it isn't happening while I'm still alive." Ethan laughed.

"You just wait." Adrian let him go, dropping him to the ground. When Ethan got up, Adrian punched him square in the face. I'm guessing Ethan passed out because he fell on the ground unconscious.

"I wasn't going for that but okay." Adrian shrugged. "Are you alright." he asked.

I nodded. "How did they find us? We covered our tracks pretty good."

"I don't know. But you know how he is. He knows where we are and he isn't going to stop sending men. We have to leave."

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