Chapter 14: Starbucks

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--Claireece's P.O.V--

Eventually, the boys like what I'm wearing. Why do I say that you ask? Well because they can't keep their hands to their selves. I'm currently wearing a black sweatshirt (something I love to wear, sweatshirts), bronce colored shorts, black converses,and a really cute black beanie. I left my hair down though.

"Zach and Keith. If you put your hands on me again, I'm shoving your own hands so far up your ass that you'll feel it in your nose" I snapped.

"Damn.. Gotta be so violent" Keith said.

"I love it!" Zach yelled winking at me.

"We're here" Lila said while she parked the car in a free space. We came in seperate cars. Zach, Keith, Lila, Vicky and I came in the same car while Kathy and David went in the other. At first we were going to do it like Keith, Lila and I then Kathy, Zach, Vicky and David. But Zach wanted to come with me so he came with us instead of David, Kathy and Vicky.

I looked out the window and saw Starbucks. It looked so nice.

"You coming or what?" Keith asked chuckling.

"Yep" I said stepping out of the car.

"Come on guys!! Hurry I want my Toffee Mocha Frappuccino!!" Vicky yelled.

"Ok!" Lila chuckled.

We all walked in and walked towards the line of customers.

"Why don't we find a seat first THEN one of us order" Kathy suggested. We all agreed and we decided to sit on the black chairs that are placed next to a large window. Keith, David, Kathy and Lila sat on the leather chairs while Zach, Vicky and I sat on the leather couch across from the chairs.

"Okay who's going to order?" David asked.

"I can go. But I'm not going alone" I volunteered.

"I'll go with you sweetie" Kathy said. She winked at me and stood up. I laughed and got up with her.

"What do you guys want?" Kathy asked.

"Toffee Mocha!!" Vicky squealed causing me to laugh.

"Caramel Cocoa Cluster" Lila said.

"I want the Classic Chai Créme" David said.

"Gimme the Hazelnut Frappuccino" Keith said.

"Java Chip Frappe" Zach said.

"Alright. But who's turn is it to pay??" Kathy asked.

"Zach!!" They all yelled but Kathy.

"No!! I payed last time" Zach whined. They all started to argue about it.

"Ok! Stop! I'll pay!" I yelled.

"No!" they all yelled at the same time.

"Its your first time with us" Zach said.

"Yea and newbies never pay in their first visit" Keith added.

"Then who will?" David asked. They all faced Lila. Lila raised an eyebrow.

"Me?" she asked.

"Yea you" David said.

"Your the richest of all of us" Zach exclaimed.

"Touché" she said. She got her wallet and took put some money handing it to Kathy.

"Come on" Kathy said pulling me by the wrist. We walked to the counter and got in line. Thankfully there was only two people infront of us.

"What do you want?" Kathy asked.

"Caramel Frappé" I replied. She nodded. It was our turn to order. So we ordered the drinks. When we got the drinks we walked back to the others and gave them their drinks.


"Oh shut up it happened once" Zach yelled. They've been argueing about some accident that happened between Zach and a random girl.

"Yea.. Well I still don't believe that it was a 'coincident' that you and that random chick hid in the closet because you guys were 'hiding' then come out an hour later with messed up hair and half way unbuttoned shirts" Kathy said laughing uncontrollably. Zach rolled his eyes.

"Whatever" Zach scoffed.

"Awe don't get mad" Lila said.

"Hush child" Zach said.

"Omg!! Look!!" Vicky yelled pointing towards the entrance. We all looked back and saw.... Raymond. He was walking casually next to a brunette boy and some random red head. She was wearing really short booty shorts and a short sleeved top. Behind them there was another guy and 3 other girls. Raymond's gaze traveled around the shop and met ours. He looked at each one of us until he looked at me. His shiny green eyes met mine. We shared a gaze for a long while.

"Lets go" Lila said causing me to look away from Raymond. I smiled at her.

"Ok" We all said.

"Looks like your brother is screwing around with strawberry shortcake again" Zach whispered but it was loud enough for all of us to here. For some reason I found that funny and bursted out laughing. They looked at me and laughed.

"Lets go.. I wanna go to the beach" Vicky yelled.

"Alright" David said. We all got up and started walking. I saw that David swung his hand over Kathy's shoulder, Keith swung his over Vicky's and Zach swung one of his over Lila's and the other over mine. Once again I met Raymond's gaze. But this time he looked pissed and he was glaring at Zach.

"He's staring at you" I whispered to Zach. He looked at Raymond, chuckled then shrugged.

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