Chapter 23: Home

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--Claire's P.O.V--

"Okay, okay back up." Johny said straightening himself on the chair and kept going. "Raymond Stone, alpha of THE Stone Mountain pack, is YOUR mate. And YOU Claireece Feild just so happen to be a ROGUE for some unknown reason." he added. I nodded.

"Yeah pretty much but I'm am not a rogue for 'unknown' reasons. There ARE reasons." I replied emphasizing some words like he did.

"Then may you tell me those reasons?" he asked.

"I can't." I said shaking my head.

"Why not... I won't tell." he whined.

"It's confidential." I stated.

"Oh come on, Claires. You know I'm your friend."

"That I have only known for how long? Two? Three days." I stated.

"Good point. You'll tell me eventually." I shrugged at his confidence.

"I have to go home. My brother might get mad if I'm late today." I said getting up from the chair.

"But doesn't he get there AFTER you?" he asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yea he wanted to spend time with me today. His exacts words were 'We haven't spent much time together like before. Be home early so we can catch up on things'." I say mocking Adrian's voice at the end.

"Alright, I'll take you." Johny said while getting up and picking his stuff up. When we got our stuff we walked to his car and got in.

We talked about random stuff, trying to get to know each other during the whole ride.

"Here is your stop."

"Thanks Johns, I'll see you later." I said giving him a hug and getting out the car. I waved at him and he did the same before driving off. I saw Adrian's car parked in the parking lot but not very close to our apartment. I walk to our apartment and open it. I unlock it and go in.

"Adrian! I'm home." I yell while I close the door. I heard a thump and groan. Immediately I had dirty thoughts cross my mind.

"Adrian?!" I yell again. Then I see him run out of his room and towards me.

"Claire!!" he yells and hugs me. He picks me up and swings me around. I was laughing so hard that I swear I bet my face looks like a squished tomato. He puts me down and I look up at him. He has a grin wider than the Atlantic Ocean on his face.

"Nice to see you to Adrian. Why so happy?" I ask pecking his cheek.

"I haven't seen you in so long, I missed you." he said chuckling.

"Alright. Well let me bathe and put on fresh cloth. Then we can watch a movie or whatever is you want to do." I state. He nodded and hugged me again.

"Alright." he said letting me go. I walked to my room and put my stuff down. I grabbed the shirt I took from him yesterday and a pair of shorts before going to the bathroom.

I took off my cloth and turned on the water at the right temperature. I washed my hair and soaped my body. After rinsing I dried myself and put on my clothes. I left my hair down so it can get dried. I put all my cloth in the dirty cloth basket and went to my room to put on some cozy socks.

"Took you long enough." Adrian said getting up from the couch. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch.

"What are we watching?" I asked. He shrugged and gave me the remote.

"I don't care."

"Ohh ok, so if I put on some crazy chic flick you wouldn't mind?" I asked with raised eyebrows. He glared at me.

"You don't like chic flicks." he smirked.

"Touché." I got up and ran to my room. I grabbed my blanket and ran back out. Adrian was looking confused but he saw the blanket. I threw the blanket in top of him and went to the kitchen. I made popcorn, got a few drinks, a box of cookies, and some chocolate bars. I managed to pick them all up and bring it to the coffee table in front of the couch. Adrian raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I sassed.

"Nothing, nothing." he said shaking his head. I walked back to get the popcorn then walked back. I put the popcorn down and plumped on the couch. Adrian chuckled and got comfortable. So did I. I layed down, my head on Adrian's lap with my hair scattered all over his lap.

"So how's it been?" he asked breaking the silence.

"Great, and you?"

"Well, working. And you know what work does." he chuckled.

"Yea." I am trying to decide whether or not to tell him about Ray. We never keep secrets from each other. I mean we promised each other if we find our mates we'll tell each other. I don't know.

"Umm.. Adrian."


"I.. Uh.. I kinda found my... mate." Why am I stuttering. Why am I nervous. Am I afraid that he might not accept Raymond? Calm down. But he isn't saying anything. He's just quiet.

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