Chapter 35: My Perfect Princess

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--Claire's P.O.V--

Pain. Pain, pain, pain.

The first thing I felt when I woke up. And yet I still lay here with my eyes closed, in this confortable bed, naked. Naked. Naked?!?!

I instantly opened my eyes and sat up, too fast. The sunlight blinded me. I rubbed my eyes and blinked a couple times until my vision cleared up. I looked to my side and Raymond was laying fast asleep. Naked also.

Then all the memories of last night came piling up and hit me hard. We had sex. Or made love. But it was to early for that. What have I done? That was to early. He might think I am like those girls that throw themselves at him. He might think I am slüt. I bring my hand up to mouth to prevent sobs from coming out. Tears start to fall.

"Claire?" Ray asks. He turns to look at me. When he sees me he instantly shoots up and sits infront of me.

"Claire, why are you crying?" he asks, his voice filled with concern.

"Nothing. Just. Just forget it." I whisper and make the move to stand up, but he stopped me.

"Claire, princess. Tell me what's wrong." he says. I stared into his eyes. Lots of emotions are flashing in his beautiful brown orbs. Adoration, confusion, lust, worry.

"Baby girl, please. Talk to me. I hate seeing you cry." he begs. He wipes the tears of my face and kisses my cheek.

"I-I.." I stutter. I pause for a minute then clear my throat and keep talking. "I thought that you might think that I am a slut for going to fast. I thought that I was being so eager and desperate for... That."

He lets out a sigh and takes my hand. "Baby girl, listen. I will never, ever think of you as a whore. You are the most beautiful and independent woman I have ever met. If anything you are not a whore. You are perfect to me. Yes, I think it was to fast, BUT, it was my fault too. I would've stopped but I didn't. You shouldn't feel bad, at all. You are my perfect princess."

I swear I am lucky to have him. He is awesome. I love him.

"But still.." I wipe my cheeks with my free hand. "You said stop two times. I am pretty sure that's considered rape. Oh my god! I practically raped you!!"


"I am so sorry Ray. I didn't mean to rape you.."


"I am going to hell.. I am going to hell!! I raped you!!"


"And jail.. No, I am to young. I don't wanna go to jail-"

I was cut off by Raymond's lips.

"Baby girl.." he mumbled on my lips. He pulled back and chuckled.

"You did not rape me. I wanted it as much as you did." he said. I grinned and kissed him.

"Alright.. I'm going to take a shower." I say and stand up. But I fell when I felt an instant pain between my legs.

"Shít!" I cursed. Ray got up and ran towards me.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"Umm.. Well, my vagina hurts."

He chuckled. "Let me help you." He picked me up bridal syle and walked in the bathroom. He turned on the shower for me and picked me up again. He went in the shower with me and put me down infront of him. The water fell on both of us as we stared in each others eyes.

Could've been longer.. Buuuttt I was in class so yea.. Maybe next time!

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