Chapter 7: Class

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-Claireece's P.O.V--

"Here" Lila said pointing to a door on the left side of the hallway. We walked toward it and she knocked on the door. Ten seconds later it was swung opened. Lila went in and I walked in behind her.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Dale. You must be the new student" the man, who I persume to be the teacher, standing in front of the board greeted. I nodded.

"Yes" I replied.

"Take a seat please" he said pointing towards the class. I nodded and walked towards the back to sit in the empty desk.

"Uhh. Would you mind presenting yourself to the class". Mr. Dale said glancing over to me.

"I'm fine thank you very much" I said shaking my head and sitting on the empty desk. Everyone was staring at me. I've never felt so nude in my life. Well, besides when I turn into my wolf.

"Miss, please get up and present yourself" Mr. Dale said shooting death glares at me. I could tell he is a werewolf too due to the fact that he just growled at me. I rolled my eyes and got up.

"I'm Claireece Fields and I'm new" I said as I sat back down.

"Can you tell us were you are from?" Mr. Dale asked. I froze for a moment before glancing back at him. Oh shit. I didn't think about that. What should I say. Think Claire, think!

"California" I lied.

"Really? What part?" he asked.

"Los Angeles" lied again.

"Oh thats cool. What part? I'm from Downey" he said smiling. Oh how I wish I could strangle him.... With my teeth.

"Er.. Carson" I replied.

"Oh, thats a nice place" he said. I sighed in relief. Thank god its real. I nodded and sat down.

I saw Lila get up from a chair and walk up to me sitting at a desk next to me.

"Your are something" she whispered and smiled at me.

"Hell yea I am" I replied causing her to laugh.

"So you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?" she asked. I nodded.

"Sure" I replied.

"Okay, we sit outside under a tree" she whispered. I nodded and smiled.

"Ok" I said.

*3 periods later(at lunch)*

*Bell rings*

The lunch bell rung making everyone jump in shock and quickly stand up. They hurried to get their stuff and run out the room. I slowly got up and picked up my stuff. Well I guess Lila was eager to leave since she already left the room. I walked out. And smiled at the teacher. I actually like her. She didn't make me talk infront of everyone.

"Bye, Ms. Bold" I said walking to the door. She smiled before saying anything.

"Good bye Miss. Fields. Have a nice lunch" she replied.

"You too" I said and left.

"Your slow" a female voice said making me jump in shock as I slapped whomever it was in the face and nearly scream.

"Ow! What the hell" Lila yelled. I gasped and put a hand on the hand that she used to cover her cheek.

"I am so sorry!!" I yelled. "You scared me and I reacted" she chuckled lightly.

"Its ok" she said.

"I am so so sorry Lila" I said again. She chuckled and stood infront of me.

"Its fine. It was just a slap. Plus I deserved it. I shouldn't have startled you" she said laughing. I chuckled and shrugged.

"Come on. I want to introduce you to my friends" she said pulling me by my wrist. She was practically dragging me around the whole school. When we reached the back door of the school we stopped. And Lila turned to me.

"Are you hungry?" she asked me.

"No, but I am thirsty" I replied. She shrugged and nodded before pulling me out the doors. She led me to a huge tree were a few people were sitting at.

"Heyy guys!!!!" she yelled happily. They looked over to us and said yelled hi. They looked at me smiling.

"Guys this is Claireece. She's new here" Lila said sitting on some girl's lap.

"No shit Sherlock" a boy with a baby face said. He has black hair with a little blonde on the front and hazel eyes. He's kinda cute if you think about it.

"I'm Zach" he said.

"I'm Vicky" a blonde girl with piercing blue eyes said.

"Keith" a boy that looks a bit like Zach said.

"Kathy" a girl with brown hair and blue eyes said.

"I'm David" the boy leaning on the tree said.

"Hi I'm Claireece" I replied.

"Your so pretty!!!" the girl Vicky said.

I smiled. This might not be so bad after all.

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