Chapter 27: Crop Date

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--Claire's P.O.V--

Ray this is beautiful!!!" I mumble and turned around to look at him. He smiled warmly and so did I. I turned back around to admire the view.

The last thing I expected was to be taken to a large crop field. The sun was kind of setting so it made the wheat look orange-y.

"It's so spacious and amazing." I whispered, but I'm pretty sure Ray can hear me.

"How did you find this place?" I ask as I turn around to face him. He shrugged.

"My parents use to take me and my sisters out here to play and have picnics. It was our secret place." he said looking at the view.

"Oh. That's nice." I reply.

'Way to change the mood' Casy stated. I rolled my eyes.

I looked at Ray and smiled. I pushed him and ran towards the field. The wheat is really tall. It reached up to my waist. I ran deaper into the field and knelt down. I can hear Ray get closer to my hiding spot. So I did the best I can do at the moment. Attack.
I jumped out of my spot and threw myself on him. He fell on his back and now I'm straddling him. Bad idea.

I looked into his eyes. Another bad idea. I lowered my face to his until we were only inches apart.

"Kiss me." I whispered. He just stared at me in surprise for a minute.

But he obeyed.

He closed the space between us immediately making contact with my lips. He kissed me softly at first but then went a bit rougher, not to much though. I nibbled on his bottom lip asking for entrance which he quickly accepted. Our tongues fought for dominance, which he ended up winning.

Why does the guy always win?!

My chest against his. My lips againt his. And even my lady against his man. This feels so right. Yet so wrong. We barely even met and I'm already kissing him.

I can feel his hands on my waist, not moving. I don't know why but it's disappointing.

I can feel his now hard man against my turned on lady. And may I inform, I'm on the verge of loosing control.

I let out a moan causing him to growl.

I pulled back and looked into his eyes. They were dark.

I moved a little bit to get up but immediately stopped when Ray let out a groan and shut his eyes. My lady made extreme contact with his man.

"I'm sorry." I breathed out. Right now if I don't get off of him, the only thing that would be between his man and my lady is going to be nothing. And I literally mean that.

I got up and turned to face away from him. I'm seriously about to loose control.

'Let me out! Let me take him! Claireece!' Casy growled. I shut my eyes and took deep breathes.

"Claire?" Ray asked, sounding concerned.

There goes my little control.

Casy took control and turned to him. He looked really surpised. Probably because of my eyes. It's not normal for wolves to have really light blue eyes. A normal blue yes. But extremely blue no.

"You know, I never thought that my mate would be this' she looked him up and down. '' She winked.

"Claire, calm down." he said softly. I could tell he is having a battle with his wolf.

I managed to turn around and face the other way. I shut my eyes and took deep breathes.

"I'm sorry though." I laughed as I shoved a spoon full of nutella in my mouth.

"You didn't do anything though." he replied. We were currently in the back of his truck eating chocolate and sandwiches.

"Let's just pretend it never happened." he said. I nodded in agreement trying to ignore the pain it gave me. I smiled and ate more nutella.

"So, what happened to your parents?" I asked looking up at him. He froze up for a minute but covered it with a shrug.

"They're gone." he shrugged.

"What does that mean?" I asked confused.

"It means they're gone." he shrugged again. I nodded softly.

"I'm sorry. It's a touchy subject for me." he apologized.

"It's ok I understand." I reply.


"Thank you Ray. It was really fun."

"Anytime, princess."

"Stop with the name calling."

"No can do baby girl." he winked. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. I had fun. Goodnight, Taco wanker." He laughed.

"Taco wanker? What is that?" I shrugged.

"Goodnight Raymond." I stand on my tipitoes and kiss his cheek.

"Night baby doll." I walk in my apartment and close the door.

That was fun.

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