Chapter 13: Saturday

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-- Claireece's P.O.V--

"Get up!" a familiar voice yelled.

"Why!?" I groaned.

"Because I said so" the voice replied.

"Fuck off" I yelled.

"Left me no choice" the voice stated.Out of thin air I was picked up. I opened my eyes and saw..... Zach?

"Wha-? Zach?!?! How did you get in?!" I yelled. I mean I thought I locked all the doors.

"Your brother let us in" he replied.

"Us?" I asked.

"Yep" he replied.

"Zach put me down now!!" I yelled. I started to punch his back and struggle.

"Sweetheart those punches aren't doing anything" he stated. Well... I give up. He walked out of my room and to the living room. There they were sitting on my couch. David, Keith, Kathy, Vicky and Lila. They were all there sitting gracefully while I was picked up and on someone's shoulders. Zach threw me on the couch were David and Vicky were sitting. Then he sat on my lap.

"Oh my god boy!!! You weight a ton" I yelled.

"Only 185 pounds of pure muscles" he said flexing.

"Or maybe 185 pounds of pure donuts" I indicated.

"Lies" he stated.

"Ugh get off!" I yelled and tried to push him off but he wouldn't budge.

"Morning Claireece" Vicky shrieked. Wow she is really... Loud.

"Hi Vic" I replied. Well its certain Zach won't get off.

"What are you guys doing here? And how did you know where I live?" I asked.

"We wanna hang out" Lila said.

"At since its Saturday you can't say no. Plus we won't give u any choice" Vicky added.

"Maybe go to Starbucks and go to the beach and pass by the park" David added.

"Ok then.... But that still doesn't explain how you guys know where I live" I said.

"Well.. First of all, I'm the Alpha's sister" Lila stated.

"Second of all, we know your scent" Keith added.

"But mostly because we followed you here yesterday" Kathy added. Wow. They are creepy.

"Ookk then.. Thats not creepy at all" I replied.

"Where's my brother?" I asked.

"He is in his room.. I think" Zach replied.

"You have a sexy ass brother you know" Kathy said winking.

"Gross!!!" I yelled. They all laughed at my reaction.

"Go get dressed beautiful" Keith said winking at me. Zach got off of me I got up and flipped them off before I ran to my room.

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