Chapter 36: Perimeter under Attack

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--Claire's P.O.V--

"Hey." I say as I walk, or limp, into the kitchen. Everyone is already in there except Adrian. He might still be asleep.

"Hey." they reply with a smirk. I look at Ray to see that he is already looking at me. He grins and stuffs his mouth with a spoon of cereal.

"So how was your night?" Lila asks. I can feel my cheeks heat up and I look at Ray.

"It was great." I say with a smile.

"Alpha!! We are under attack!" one of the guards yell from the back door. Ray and Anthony get up and run to the back door.

"I need five guards to take Claireece and all the girls down to the cellars and lock them there until everything is clear. All the kids go down with them and I want all the warriors out. NOW!" Ray ordered. Five HUGE men ran inside and lead us to the cellars. There were a bunch of kids gathered around. Frightened. I walked up to them and smiled. They looked at me with horrified expressions.

"It's ok. I won't hurt you." I assure them. I sit criss-crossed and patted on the cold ground for them to follow. "Sit with me?" I ask. They sit down by me and cuddle up towards me. Some lay their heads on my lap and others sit next to me. I start to think about when I got scared as a little girl and think about what Adrian used to do. He'd sing me lullabies.

I start humming softly before singing. "Rock a bye baby on the tree top." they all look at me and lay next to me. "When the wind blows the cradle will rock.When the bough breaks the cradle will fall. And down will come baby, cradle and all." by now even the adults are sitting around me. So I repeat the lyrics again.

"Rock a bye baby on the tree top. When the wind blows the cradle will rock. When the bough breaks the cradle will fall. And down will come baby, cradle and all." I keep repeating the lyrics until the kids fall asleep. By now the guards had brought some supplies, including blankets. I slowly got up, making sure to not hurt the kids or wake them up. I placed a blanket on them and walked towards the guard in the front.

"Where is Alpha Ray?!" I ask in a stern voice.

"Ma'am please go back to the group." he replied.

"Move." I demand.

"Sorry ma'am, I am afraid I can not do that." he says sternly. Even though I just comforted some children, I can't help but be pissed at this elephant infront of me.

"Alpha Ray is my mate. And I plan on seeing if he is alright." I growl. The guy practically shît his pants but I'm guessing he is the stubborn type.

"Oh. I am sorry Luna. But Alpha does not want anyone to go out." he says. I growl loudly and attempted to attack him but I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Calm down Claire." Lila says. I shrug her hand off and push the guard out of my way with all my strength.

"Touch me and I will murder you." I growl when I see him gain his balance and try to stop me.

I walk out of the room and towards the back door. I freeze once I step out the door. There are wolves fighting everywhere. Blood scattered over the once beautiful garden. I scan the area in hopes to see either my brother or Raymond. I do find one of them actually.

And he is laying on the ground. No movement. Just his uneven breathing which is very easy to tell he's having a problem to breathe.


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