Chapter 8: New Friends

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--Claireece's P.O.V--

During lunch Lila's friends and I talked alot and got to know each other. To be honest, I think I like them. They are extremely funny. They are also sarcastic and annoying. The girls are so pretty and really nice. But the boys, on the other hand, are extremely cute, BUT very annoying and cocky as hell.

Keith is sweet and adorable. But he can be a jerk and a cocky weirdo. Zach. Oh Zachy boy. He is the definition of cocky. He is the most cockiest boy EVER. But its funny. Zach and Keith are brothers. They look very much alike, but they have their differences.
There's David. He has blue eyes and brown hair. He is... He's something alright. I have no idea how they can put up with him. He has a come back for EVERYTHING. And I mean EVERYTHING. He is very annoying. Very.
There is also Vicky. Vicky is a cute blonde with very blue eye, as blue as the ocean. She is extremely sweet. She is also the girly type of girl. The type that likes to look great all the time and that would probably be one of the most popular girl in school.
Then there is Kathy. Kathy is alot like Vicky. But way more confident. Kathy is a brunette beauty with greenish, blueish eyes. She is that type of girl that HAS to look good everytime and everywhere. She is so nice. But she is also sarcatic, and she can act, like Lila likes to say, bitchy.
And Lila. Even though I had already known her before all of them I still want to explain how she is. Lila is a very pretty blondie with green eyes. She is shy but she is very sweet. She might be the sweetest person on earth.

They are all awesome people, even though they are so god damn annoying. Did I mention that they are werewolves too? I didn't?.... Well they are.

I have all my morning periods with Lila and Vicky. I have fourth period with Kathy and David. Then I have sixth period with David. And I have third, fifth and last period with Vicky, Keith and Kathy.

*Bell Rings*

"Hurry up slow poke" David groaned impatiently. I grabbed my stuff in slow motion. Kathy laughed and David growled in annoyance.

"I... am... going... as... fast... as... I... can" I said very slowly. Kathy laughed even harder. David groaned and started to pick up my stuff and shove it in my bag. He picked up my bag and started walking. Kathy and I bursted out laughing.

"Ok lets go" Kathy said. I nodded and started to walk behind David. We ran out the door and David was waiting for us infront of a locker. We walked towards him.

"I don't want this" he said shoving my bag against my chest hurting my breasts.

"Ow! I'm not a boy you know!" I yelled putting the bag on my back. "I have boobs, boys don't" I added. Kathy started laughing and David scoffed.

"What boobs? You don't have any" he said laughing. I frowned and pinched his nipple causing him to lightly screech. Kathy laughed even harder.

"What the fuck?!" he yelled. I laughed and started walking. Kathy followed behind me.

"That wasn't nice" David said rubbing the place where I pinched him.

"So? You said I don't have boobs" I replied. I looked at Kathy and saw her trying to hold back a laugh. I chuckled and slightly punched her arm. She looked at me and we both laughed.

"I'll see you guys later" Kathy said while walking towards a stairs.

"Ok, see ya" I replied walking with David to sixth period.

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